AFOT Survey 2017 592efe13e7877

May 31, 2017

4th Annual Accounting Firm Operations &Technology Survey Results Are Available

Randy Johnston, president of Network Management Group, Inc., and Leslie Garrett, PhD, CEO of Insight Research Group announce the release of the 4th Annual Accounting Firm Operations and Technology (AFOT) Survey results and survey book.

Gail Perry

Randy Johnston, president of Network Management Group, Inc., and Leslie Garrett, PhD, CEO of Insight Research Group announce the release of the 4th Annual Accounting Firm Operations and Technology (AFOT) Survey results and survey book.  

The 4th Annual AFOT Survey results book features the past three years of survey data, trend lines, thought-leadership from accounting channel leaders and consultative insight. “I continue to be amazed that I learn something from every version of our survey.” said Johnson. “The 4th Annual Accounting Firm Operations and Technology Survey provided insights about CPA firm strategies that I have not seen anywhere else. It is clear that this measure of technologies in use in the practice of accounting provides leading indicators of changes to come in the profession and the technologies used to solve client and firm problems. My only hope is that more and more firms would participate to benefit from the receiving the results for free as a benefit of participating.”

“We designed our survey results book to clearly display survey results and trend lines, making it easier to glance at the data and quickly assess the information, or opt to dive deeper into the state of many facets of the profession,” said Garrett. “We also segment and present the data by size of firm to aid partners, shareholders, owners and IT professionals working in tax, accounting and bookkeeping firms benchmark their operation.”

All respondents who completed the survey are given a free copy of the survey results eBook, a $550 value, to aid as a reference tool when making operations and technology decisions.

According to survey results, the top challenge of managing a firm today is attracting new clients (according to 32% of respondents), followed by managing workflow (29%) and recruiting and retention of staff (27%). The most common channel for attracting new clients is referrals from current clients (according to 98% of respondents). Only 14% of respondents are using 100% paperless delivery of income tax returns to clients, and 70% deliver at least some of their income tax returns using email.

There were 301 respondents from 44 states who participated in the survey.

To learn more about the 4th Annual AFOT Survey and purchase a copy for yourself, go here:

Facts about the Accounting Firm Operations and Technology Survey and survey results book:

  • No other independent survey has this level of complete information about the technology U.S. tax, accounting and bookkeeping professionals are using in their practices. 
  • The intent of this survey is to discover valid, factual actionable information and to deliver a resource that provides trend lines and consultative content based on precise results of multiple years of data gathered using this survey instrument.   
  • Firms of all sizes had the opportunity to participate in the survey and gain the results in the complimentary eBook, to gauge how firms of similar demographics are operating.
  • Multiple years of data are presented in an understandable way using charts and tables that reveal trends as they are developing.


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