September 1, 2021

TIGTA Announces New Senior Leaders

J. Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) today announced changes to the Agency’s senior leadership team.

J. Russell George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) today announced changes to the Agency’s senior leadership team.

Trevor Nelson will serve as the Acting Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Heather Hill has been appointed as the Deputy Inspector General for Inspections and Evaluations

“All three of the individuals named to lead TIGTA functions are long-time TIGTA employees who have demonstrated their commitment to protecting the integrity of the Nation’s tax administration system,” Inspector General George stated.

Trevor R. Nelson Mr. Nelson currently serves TIGTA as the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Special Investigations and Support Directorate. He will temporarily fill the position being vacated on August 31 by James S. Jackson, who will be retiring, after more than 34 years of Federal service.

Mr. Nelson has been a manager at TIGTA since 2008. He began his Federal career with the United States Air Force in 1994 after graduating from the United States Air Force Academy. He served three years as an Air Force Security Police Officer, and four years with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations prior to joining TIGTA as a Special Agent in 2001.

As an Air Force Reservist, Mr. Nelson returned to active duty for approximately one year following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In 2008, he became the Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Strategic Enforcement Division, where he served until becoming the Special Agent in Charge of the Cybercrime Investigations Division in 2016.

“I thank Jim Jackson and am truly grateful for his many years of Federal service, especially for his service in leading TIGTA’s Office of Investigations,” said Inspector General George. “Jim’s leadership was exemplary, and Trevor Nelson will, I am sure, in like manner competently fulfill the duties of that leadership role in this acting assignment,” Inspector General George added. “Throughout his service at TIGTA, Trevor has demonstrated the qualities of an effective and able leader in one of the largest and most important components of our organization.”

Heather M. Hill As Deputy Inspector General for Inspections and Evaluations, Ms. Hill will oversee a team of analysts that provide a range of specialized services and products, including quick reaction reviews, onsite inspections, and in-depth evaluations of major departmental functions, activities, or programs.

Ms. Hill is also currently TIGTA’s Assistant Inspector General for Audit, Management Services and Exempt Organizations. She is responsible for audits of several IRS programs, including Facilities Management and Security Services, Appeals, the Office of the Taxpayer Advocate, Human Capital, Financial Management, and the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.

Ms. Hill was previously the Director, Special Tax Matters for TIGTA’s Office of Inspections and Evaluations.

Prior to joining TIGTA in 2011, Ms. Hill was an analyst at the Government Accountability Office, where she worked on a range of energy and agricultural issues as part of the Natural Resources and Environment team. She also led investigations into fraud and abuse of government programs, as part of the Forensic Audits and Special Investigations team.

Ms. Hill graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and a Masters in Public Affairs from the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Ms. Hill also has a Masters of Science in Social Science Research Methods from Cardiff University.

“Heather has had a long career in Federal oversight and has consistently excelled,” Inspector General George said. “I am pleased to have her as part of TIGTA’s senior leadership team.”

Mervin Hyndman Mr. Hyndman has served TIGTA in multiple capacities since joining the Agency in 2007. He previously served as Acting Deputy Inspector General for Mission Support, Director of Human Capital, and Director of Finance.

Prior to joining TIGTA in 2007, Mr. Hyndman worked for the Department of Veteran Affairs, where he served as the Senior Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cyber and Information Security. Mr. Hyndman began his civilian Federal service career in April 2002, with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), working with the Modernized e-File Program.

Prior to the IRS, he served as a Configuration Management and Documentation Control Group Manager for ACS Government Solutions as a government contractor. Mr. Hyndman also served on active duty in the United States Navy for 24 years.

“Merv’s steady leadership of TIGTA’s back-office operations enables the Agency to perform at a high-level,” Inspector General George stated.

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