July 2, 2021

Guidelines for Success When It’s Time to Launch Your Startup

Your business plan is a blueprint for success, not a magical forecast of exactly how everything will happen. So it’s okay if you don’t have an eagle’s-eye view of every aspect of your business perfectly laid out with every detail accounted for.

If you’ve just founded your startup, you’re probably discovering something every successful business owner has learned: This is a lot more work in real life than it is on paper. No matter how passionate you are about your product and how well versed you are in the principles of entrepreneurship, the actual process of launching a business involves many unexpected challenges.

So if you’re finding the process more complex than you’d imagined, don’t worry! Nearly every successful entrepreneur has experienced something similar in the early stages of their venture. And every successful entrepreneur would tell you: Keep going, one step at a time. Here’s some advice from CPA Practice Advisor to help you out:

You don’t have to have a perfect plan.

Your business plan is a blueprint for success, not a magical forecast of exactly how everything will happen. So it’s okay if you don’t have an eagle’s-eye view of every aspect of your business perfectly laid out with every detail accounted for. A lot will happen as part of a discovery process. If you have an idea that seems workable, give it a try — but be prepared to be flexible and make changes when necessary. If what looked perfect on paper simply isn’t working in real life, don’t feel you need to be tied to the ideal. Instead, restructure your plan to suit the needs of your reality.

Trust yourself.

It’s important to take advice from experts in your field and consult with mentors when possible, but ultimately, you’re the one who has the final say. You have to really believe in what you’re doing. If you’re working on a project because someone else thinks it’s a good idea but you have doubts — stop. Reconsider what you are doing and ask yourself why you can’t feel passionately committed to it. Chances are your instincts are nudging you in a different direction. Figure out what that direction is. Likewise, don’t let naysayers get you down if you really believe in your project and can provide evidence of why it should succeed.

Don’t get reckless.

There’s a big difference between self-confidence and recklessness. Reckless behavior involves ignoring the risks, whereas confidence entails knowing how to avoid them. Sure, some risky players end up winning — but that is usually due to luck. Many others get burned when they rush in too quickly without assessing potential costs. One way you can proceed with confidence is if you have a budget to work with.

Another is to make sure your property and investments are protected. You should have a good insurance plan to protect your assets. You can also add increased liability protection if you form your company as an LLC in Oklahoma. For more information, visit

Learn from your mistakes.

Every successful entrepreneur makes mistakes along the way. Whether it’s a product that didn’t take off, a marketing campaign that flopped, or a partnership that didn’t work out, these are all occasions for learning how to improve. And you won’t be able to improve without the humility to admit that you made a mistake. Don’t get so fixated on an idea about what you think ought to work that you can’t let it go and move on. Be willing to learn from others, too, and to give credit to them when it is due.

Pay attention to the small stuff.

Ultimately, you will have to delegate tasks to others. To do that, you need to understand the different aspects of your business, how to keep them running smoothly, and what challenges an employee might face. That way when you ask someone to complete a task, you’ll understand what it entails, how long it should take, and whether they can expect to encounter obstacles. Try to be present at every level of your business — but at the same time, trust your employees, freelancers, and associates. After all, you hired them.

Successful entrepreneurship is all about balance: between confidence and humility, between courage and caution, between creativity and following the tried-and-true. So trust your gut, but also seek the guidance of experts.


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