Expensify.org, a 501(c)(3) charity with a fully transparent direct-giving model, is re-introducing their SNAP reimbursement campaign with a new incentive. Those who use their SNAP/EBT cards for groceries will get reimbursed up to $50, and receive an additional $50 for providing proof of full vaccination against COVID-19.
As long as the grocery receipt is dated after May 1st and the vaccination card displays a first dose of May 26th or later, Expensify.org will reward those who are eligible with up to $100 in reimbursement.
“Many people who were on the frontlines throughout the pandemic are also the ones that face the toughest burdens in taking time off to get vaccinated,” says Puneet Lath, a Director at Expensify. “We’re providing vaccine incentives to help ease some of those burdens. We want to do our part in helping get this pandemic under control so that we can reach herd immunity as quickly as possible and return to normal.”
Expensify.org was founded in 2019 with the goal of tackling the most important issues related to injustice around the world. The latest issue being hesitation regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. “Vaccinations started out as a supply problem, and have quickly turned into a demand problem,” Lath said. “We’re in a unique position where we can not only help people with food security, but also help curb vaccine hesitation.”
Under the “SNAP & VAX” campaign, Expensify.org is currently accepting and reimbursing the first 3,000 individuals or households who receive SNAP/EBT benefits and hold a US bank account. Additionally, this campaign is only applicable to those who haven’t participated in the 2020 SNAP reimbursement campaign and those who have yet to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
If you’d like to participate in the “SNAP & VAX” campaign, you can sign up here.
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