
July 24, 2019

CCH AnswerConnect Tax Assistant – 2019 Innovation Award Nominee

The line between personal and professional technology continues to blur. With nearly one in five adults accessing a smart speaker in their home (according to Voicebot.ai™ research), voice technology is poised to impact the professional workspace. In response, Wolters Kluwer enhanced its award-winning CCH AnswerConnect, the answer-oriented tax research platform, with voice enabled search. Now,... Read more »

The line between personal and professional technology continues to blur. With nearly one in five adults accessing a smart speaker in their home (according to Voicebot.ai™ research), voice technology is poised to impact the professional workspace. In response, Wolters Kluwer enhanced its award-winning CCH AnswerConnect, the answer-oriented tax research platform, with voice enabled search.

Now, customers can activate the voice assistant and verbally ask CCH AnswerConnect Tax Assistant various federal tax questions and it will either read the expert answer back or run a search to retrieve the best match. Professionals find what they need quickly, without disrupting their workflow, and move on to complete tasks with increased accuracy, efficiency and productivity. CCH® AnswerConnect Tax Assistant provides the right content at the point of need. Voice functionality allows customers to ask their tax questions without having to stop what they’re working on and start a research session.

CCH AnswerConnect Tax Assistant includes over 200 common tax questions based on usage metrics from our customer searches. We matched these searches with the very best answers — commentary, rates, thresholds, and percentages — to address these common questions so practitioners can continue their important work.

CCH® AnswerConnect Tax Assistant is the only voice-enabled assistant on the market in the tax and accounting profession. It looks and feels like other voice enabled products that our customers are using in their daily life. Instead of shouting at colleagues across the room, now they can shout at their computer and get a calm answer back!

Learn more: https://engagetax.wolterskluwer.com/CCHACTaxAssistant


See all of the winners, finalists and nominees in the 2019 Tax & Accounting Innovation Awards.

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