The Internal Revenue Service is now accepting applications for the Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) grant program.
Interested applicants can find the TCE application package on All applications must be submitted through by Friday, May 31. An electronic version of the grant application package, Publication 1101, Application Package and Guidelines for Managing a TCE Program (PDF), can be found on
The TCE program was established in 1978 to provide tax counseling and return preparation to people who are 60 or older. Volunteers who provide free federal income tax help to seniors nationwide receive free training and technical assistance.
The grant funds provided by the IRS are used by organizations to reimburse volunteers for transportation, meals and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in providing tax counseling assistance at locations convenient to taxpayers.
Visit the Tax Counseling for the Elderly and the Applying for a TCE Grant pages on for more details.
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