
October 30, 2013

2013 Review of AccountantsWorld Practice Relief

Overview AccountantsWorld Practice Relief is a Web-based time and billing solution designed for practitioners which is tightly integrated with the other components of the AccountantsWorld Power Practice System. The Power Practice System is a web-based toolset for accounting professionals which allows them to work collaboratively with clients in real time, and includes the following applications:... Read more »


AccountantsWorld Practice Relief is a Web-based time and billing solution designed for practitioners which is tightly integrated with the other components of the AccountantsWorld Power Practice System. The Power Practice System is a web-based toolset for accounting professionals which allows them to work collaboratively with clients in real time, and includes the following applications:

  • Accounting Relief – client bookkeeping and write-up solution
  • After-the-Fact Payroll – Tool for preparing payroll compliance reports
  • CyberCabinet – Firm and client document management and client portal
  • Payroll Relief – Full-featured payroll solution
  • PFP Relief – Tool for providing personal financial planning services
  • Website Relief – Public-facing website tool integrated with the web-based applications for marketing the firm’s services to existing and prospective clients.

Practice Relief was designed for use by accounting professionals, and can be used as either a standalone application, or used alongside the other tools in the Power Practice System.

Product Functionality

Practice relief is a web-based time and billing application which can be used with the browsers on computers, tablets, and smartphones. An optional time tracking utility for Microsoft Windows PC’s is included, and allows users to create their time sheet by selecting a client, a service, activating the timer when they start and complete performing a task. A memo can be entered with additional notes on the tasks performed, if necessary. Actual time is tracked, and the entry can be designated as billable or non-billable, as needed.

The application is formatted like a traditional personal computer application, with menu choices which appear across the top of the application. There are two menu levels on the screen, with the top level holding the major categories and the bottom row presenting the options for the selected function. Messages can be exchanged with clients using Accountant-Client Messaging, an instant messaging tool built into all AccountantsWorld applications.

Time can be entered by timekeepers using a computer, tablet, or mobile web browser, using the included TimeTracker utility, or converted to a time entry from an appointment in the user’s Practice Relief calendar. Appointments can be downloaded from the Practice Relief calendar in a file format which is easily imported into Outlook on the user’s desktop.

The application’s client management screens have a basic grid view, and make it easy to filter and select clients from the client list.   Users can drill down within a listing to get more detailed information on a selected client or use the selected records for an e-mail broadcast message with the included e-mail tools.

Staff are granted access based on six role-based profiles, and the administrator can control the options available to users at a detailed level. Practice Relief does not accrue and track paid time off such as vacation and sick time, but users can track historical time charged by employee to PTO codes and manually calculate the time available to employees.

Expenses are entered directly into Practice Relief, and along with time entries, can be used to generate invoices to clients. Data from transactions and tasks can be transferred to the other components of the Power Practice system. Limited customizations can be made to the invoice format, and finalized invoices can be e-mailed or printed out for mailing.

Basic reporting for managing accounts receivable and expenses is available in Practice Relief, and additional management tools and reports are available to users who use Accounting Relief as their firm’s general ledger. Realization reports, client profitability reports and staff productivity reports, among others, are included with the application. Data can be exported to a number of formats, including Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. The reporting could be enhanced with the addition of a dashboard or other visual report showing key statistics for the firm, although there is a multi-client dashboard included in Accounting Relief.

Practice Relief includes a good help function, along with video lessons on its effective use, along with white papers, webinars, and training. Support is based in the US, and is available via web form, e-mail, or telephone. Unlimited support is included in the subscription price.

Summary and Pricing

Practice Relief is a good tool for managing traditional and virtual accounting firms, and allows partners and staff to work with clients anywhere. Although its reporting is not as comprehensive as some of the on-premises applications, the simple navigation structure and the ease with which users can enter data into the application make it simple for end users to use effectively.

AccountantsWorld Practice Relief is priced at $40 per month, or $395 per year for an unlimited number of users and clients.

Best Firm Fit: Firms who require a web-based time and billing solution, as well as those who use the AccountantsWorld Power Practice suite of cloud-based applications for practitioners.


  • Tightly integrated into the other programs in the AccountantsWorld Power Practice system.
  • The product’s simple interface is accessible from almost any Web browser, and does not require installation of software applications or updates on client or server computers.
  • Client communications, including e-mail broadcasts, can be managed using Practice Relief, and real-time assistance can be provided using Accountant-Client Messaging, an instant messaging tool built into all AccountantsWorld applications.

Potential Limitations

  • Although Practice Relief will work as a standalone application, its integration with the other parts of the Power Practice System are more elegant than using the standalone application.

Category Ratings:
Basic System Functions: 5 Stars
Time Mgmt Capabilities: 4 Stars
Invoicing Functions: 4 Stars
Management Features: 4 Stars
Integration/Import: 4 Stars
Help/Support: 5 Stars

2013 Overall Rating: 4.25 Stars



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Experiences 2025 – AI Search

Firm Management February 11, 2025 

Experiences 2025 – AI Search

For now, Agentic AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that operate autonomously and can perceive, reason, plan, and take action in pursuit of goals. These AI agents can interact dynamically with their environment, adapt to changes, and sometimes make decisions without direct human intervention.

Randy Johnston