August 29, 2007

AMS Payroll — 1099-Etc A-T-F Payroll

From the Sept. 2007 Review of Payroll

As an add-on option to the 1099-Etc system from Advanced Micro Solutions, the
After-the-Fact Payroll (A-T-F) system provides both live and after-the-fact
support for processing employee payroll and 1099 compensation, and also provides
compliance tools for 1098, W-2, W-3, 940, 941, 1040 Schedule H and state quarterly
payroll forms. The program supports up to 1,999 payer entities, with up to 9,999
employees/1099 recipients each. A-T-F provides compliance for all states, Washington
D.C. and Puerto Rico, and offers options for direct deposit, magnetic filing
and e-filing.

Pricing for the base 1099-Etc program is $75; the A-T-F Payroll add-on costs
$105 and the E-File Direct package (which creates electronic W-2 and 1099 files
for IRS/SSA filing) is an additional $105. A forms library that includes more
than 300 federal/state forms is $45. This program supports the Microsoft Vista
operating system and can be used either as a stand-alone system or as a networked

The 1099-Etc system opens into a small window that allows users to log into
the program, view program update information, view the user manual or see contact
information. After logging in, the user can move between the various modules
of the system, including the A-T-F Payroll program, using icons and drop-down
menus at the top of the screen. Additional options for administrative functions
such as backing up data, setting defaults and Help are also available. Within
the Payroll module, which opens to a window with additional pull-down menus
and information about work directory, program year, printer and other data,
the user is prompted to select a client/payer from a basic alphabetized list,
and allows users to quickly set up new clients using existing clients as a template
by selecting the Copy Payer function.

When setting up a new client/payer or when editing an existing one, the program
uses a tabbed data collection form that divides basic company information into
various categories for General, Misc, Preferences, User Defined Fields, State/Local,
Memo and Check/MICR, which are accessible via a tabbed screen. After setting
up a client, employees can be added or managed through the Input pull-down menu,
which brings up a spreadsheet style list of all payees. Data entry is intuitive
throughout the system, with data for payees entered in a manner similar to that
for entering basic company data, with a tabbed window that offers access to
employee information, including up to nine pay rates, banking data for use with
direct deposit (up to four accounts), employee type, contractor details and
SUTA information. It also offers basic HR-related data including birth date,
hire and termination date, and the option of including a photo of the employee
in the system.

A menu option for View provides an instant on-screen (printable) summary payroll
report for the current month, while additional menus for accessing Deposits,
detailed Reports, Forms and other options are easily accessible.

FEATURES – 4 Stars
The 1099-Etc A-T-F Payroll system supports up to nine hourly pay rates per employee
in addition to automatic company rate adjustments for overtime, vacation time,
holiday pay and sick pay, as well as support for tipped employees. As previously
noted, the system also includes basic HR options for tracking employee accruals
and other data. In addition to automatic state and federal withholding (FICA,
Medicare, SDI are all instantly calculated) based on the latest tax rate updates,
A-T-F Payroll also offers the ability to apply and track up to 40 customized
deductions per employee. E-filing and magnetic filing options are available,
as is direct deposit with the ability to handle up to four bank deposits per
employee. MICR is supported for check printing using the optional Laser module.
For multi-user, networked environments, the system includes password protection
at the client/payer level. The system also includes a SSN verification mag file
that can be submitted to the SSA. The 1099-Etc system (as the main program)
and the A-T-F Payroll program provide a traditional Help utility with indexed
search and subject-based guidance, while the program also includes a built-in
user manual that includes screen shots for helping the user through specific
tasks. The program does not offer an employee self-service function.

The 1099-Etc Payroll system provides customizable reports that can be viewed
on-screen prior to printing, including a good summary payroll report for the
current period that is accessible from the main menu with a single click. Other
report options include tax totals and wage worksheets, period summaries, employer
tax summaries, check detail, MTD/QTD/YTD, withholding by state and state/local
tax reports. The system can print all versions of form 1099, as well as 940,
941, 941-B, 943, 1042S, 1096, 1098, W-2, W-2C, and most state forms. Reports,
forms and checks can be printed individually or in batches and either on blank
or preformatted paper stock. Invoices, client lists, mailing labels and other
administrative items can also be generated.

The 1099-Etc A-T-F Payroll system can import client company and employee data
files from Peachtree, QuickBooks and Quicken, and can export to QuickBooks GL
or as a delimited formatted file for import into other GLs through mapping.

The 1099 A-T-F Payroll system is a basic payroll package geared for professionals
with multiple business clients. The system supports all states, has electronic
filing and direct deposit options, as well as good options for managing multiple
pay rates, deductions and other employee data. But its data-entry process is
best suited to entities that rely on their accountant for live or after-the-fact
payroll processing and/or 1099/W-2 preparation.
The program can import from Peachtree, QuickBooks and Quicken, which makes the
program a good selection for professionals whose clients use these systems.
At less than $200, it is very inexpensive, and free phone-based and e-mail technical
support is included in the price of the system.

2007 Overall Rating: 4 Stars

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