November 29, 2005

Website Builders for Accountants 2005 — Executive Summary

From the December 2005 Review Website Solutions for Accountants The main point to take away from this review is that you should be thoughtful in the design and development of your web site. It will likely become the primary place where you conduct business. I believe that based on the demographics of the majority of... Read more »

From the December 2005 Review Website
Solutions for Accountants

The main point to take away from this review is that you should be thoughtful
in the design and development of your web site. It will likely become the primary
place where you conduct business. I believe that based on the demographics of
the majority of readers of this publication, the two primary objectives we should
focus on are simplicity and utility.

Therefore, the web site building tools and services reviewed here are based
on a “template” model that allows you to get your web site up and
running with minimal effort. We are not fashion designers nor are we creative
marketing professionals. Rather, we’re accountants and the quality and
content of our web site information should be the primary objective. So unless
you are trying to appeal to the aforementioned markets, keep your focus on what
your clients really want from your firm — useful and reliable information.

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