On July 6, Xero, the global small business platform, marked its 15th anniversary since becoming a registered company in Wellington, New Zealand. Recognizing the milestone, it launched Xero Day – an annual day to celebrate and acknowledge the people, customers, partners and communities who have played an important role in Xero’s journey so far.
Xero CEO Steve Vamos said: “Today, 6 July 2021, marks a special day for Xero. Fifteen years ago, our Founder Rod Drury and the founding Xero team took some of the first steps to bring the vision of accounting software in the cloud to life, creating a scalable, purposeful, global Software as a Service (SaaS) business from New Zealand.”
“From our beginnings at a kitchen table in a Wellington apartment, to offices in more than 20 cities around the world, it’s been quite a journey. A journey built on the support and belief of our bookkeepers, accountants, the broader Xero partner community, and our people.”
Today, the original vision to change the game for small business is stronger than ever with Xero’s team of more than 3,600 people working to bring Xero to millions more small businesses and their advisors around the world.
To mark the inaugural Xero Day, Xero is giving back to the communities in which it operates by contributing to impactful community causes. Xero is donating NZ$15,000 to each of the eight charities supported through its Xero Community Appeal in 2020-21. The total Xero is donating is approximately US$120,000.
The charities are: Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) globally; Beyond Blue in Australia; Women’s Refuge in New Zealand; Save the Children in Asia; Advancement Project in the United States; Black Business Professional Association in Canada; Samaritans in the UK; and Won Life in South Africa.
“We’re proud to support these organizations that align with our purpose – to improve the lives of people in small businesses, their advisors and communities all around the world. These charities help people in their communities build mental health and resilience; access front line COVID-19 support; progress racial equality and justice; provide safe harbor for women facing domestic abuse; and equip under-resourced teachers to deliver quality education,” Vamos added.
Watch the chat between Xero’s CEO Steve Vamos and founder Rod Drury as they talk about the plans for Xero Day and reflect on key moments in Xero’s journey over the past 15 years.
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