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March 15, 2019

2019 Review of AccountantsWorld Practice Relief

Practice Relief offers users a variety of methods to enter time, including manual time entry. A time tracking wizard is also available that can track time automatically from any location, making it a practical solution for those that work remotely.

Mary Girsch-Bock

AccountantsWorld Practice Relief


From the 2019 review of time & billing management systems.

Practice Relief, from AccountantsWorld, is part of their Power Practice System. Practice Relief, like all AccountantsWorld applications, is best suited for small to mid-sized accounting firms. Practice Relief can be used in conjunction with other AccountantsWorld applications or as a stand-alone application.

Practice Relief is completely cloud-based, with users able to use both PC and Mac desktop systems to access the product. The product also works with mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Practice Relief makes it easy to get started, preconfiguring the system with common tasks, projects, and expenses used in accounting firms, though users can also add additional items if desired. Up to 10 default rates can be set up for each system user, reducing the amount of data entry that is necessary, and the easily navigated user interface makes it easy to access time, billing, and invoicing functions found in the application. Conveniently, managers can assign system access levels to each employee during the product setup process, providing and restricting access levels as needed.

Practice Relief offers users a variety of methods to enter time, including manual time entry. A time tracking wizard is also available that can track time automatically from any location, making it a practical solution for those that work remotely. Users can also access the time tracking component even if not logged into Practice Relief. All time data that is entered into Practice Relief can be located on the included electronic timesheet. Users can also convert Microsoft Outlook appointments to a billable entry at the conclusion of the appointment.

Managers have the ability to change time entries submitted on employee timesheets, and can also override any billable time totals that are entered on the timesheet. Along with time tracking, users can also track additional billable expenses.

Practice Relief contains good invoicing capability, with users able to easily created invoices based on tasks and expenses. Automatic billing is also available in Practice Relief, so users can easily create flat rate invoices for clients or for those on a monthly retainer. The included invoice template makes it easy to create a custom invoice for clients, or users can create a standard invoice using data already entered in the system.

All invoices generated in Practice Relief are assigned a status code, including Pending, Delivery, Unpaid, Paid, and Void, so users can access and view the status of any invoice quickly. Invoices can be printed and mailed to clients or emailed if desired. Payment details can also be entered in Practice Relief, and users can easily create a credit memo in the event of an overpayment. Invoices can also be partially or completely written off when necessary.

Practice Relief included good reporting capability, offering both firm and client reports. Client reports available include a Realization Rate report and a Payments report. Also available is a Client Ranking report, which ranks all firm clients by profitability. Firm reports include a Firm Performance Summary report, which provides totals for all active clients along with project totals, and any pending projects. An Invoice Summary report is also available. An analysis report that provides detail on staff productivity levels including billable and non-billable hours is also available. All Practice Relief reports can be exported to both Microsoft Word and Excel, or saved as a PDF.

Practice Relief is designed to be utilized with other AccountantsWorld applications, offering seamless integration with Power Practice System applications including Accounting Power, Cloud Cabinet, After-the-Fact Payroll, and Website Relief.

All AccountantsWorld customers receive personalized service from a Professional Development Consultant, who is assisted by technical support specialists who are tasked with aiding any and all new system users. Online help is also available from any screen in Practice Relief. In addition, all AccountantsWorld customers receive free, unlimited product support, along with free product training. AccountantsWorld also offers additional educational opportunities for accountants. Product support can be access directly from the Contact Us form on the AccountantsWorld website, or via telephone during regular business hours.

Practice Relief, from AccountantsWorld, offers good time and billing capability for small to mid-sized accounting firms. While users would gain increased functionality if the application is used with other AccountantsWorld applications, Practice Relief can be used as a stand-alone time and billing application as well.

Practice Relief is currently priced at $495.00 per year, with a 30-day money back guarantee offered.

2019 Overall Rating: 4.75 Stars

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Mary Girsch-Bock

Mary Girsch-Bock

Contributing Writer

Mary grew up in Chicago, graduating from the University of Illinois-Chicago. She began her career as accountant and later made the switch to writing full time, concentrating on business and technology, with a focus on small business. A former QuickBooks beta tester, Mary’s work has appeared in The Motley Fool, The Blueprint, and Property  She currently writes a monthly accounting and technology-related blog for PLANERGY, and ghostwrites several blogs for various software companies.