Nearly 30 of the most influential thought leaders in the accounting profession gathered in Indianapolis March 11-13 for CPA Practice Advisor‘s 11th annual Thought Leader Symposium. The annual event included round table discussions of technology and practice management trends and issues that accounting firms and professionals face today, as well as accounting, tax and business issues they and their clients will need to prepare for in the future.
On the second day of the event, Jennifer Lee Wilson, a leadership management consultant, speaker, author and former top 10 accounting firm partner, was inducted into CPA Practice Advisor‘s Accounting Hall of Fame.
“The symposium provides its members with an opportunity to immerse themselves in deep discussions about pressing issues in the accounting profession, develop opportunities to collaborate, plan their speaking and writing agenda for the year ahead,” said Gail Perry, CPA, editor-in-chief of CPA Practice Advisor. “The format is that of a think tank where concepts and models within the accounting profession are discussed, dissected, analyzed, alternatives are considered, roadblocks taken into account. This meeting allows them to ground themselves, reinforce their own mission while helping one another.”
The members are well known in their fields as consultants, educators, speakers, authors and leadership gurus, and come from across the U.S. and Australia. During the symposium, attendees also engage with leading accounting technology developers to discuss ideas, products, strategies, and concepts that are being considered for both the short-term and the years ahead. Because these thought leaders have such a significant outreach across the profession, vendors gain valuable insight, and input from this group is essential in helping these vendors shape their decisions, learn how they can improve and better serve the profession, and choose what to bring to market and how to get it there.
The sponsors for the Thought Leader Symposium are ADP, BQE and Intuit.
2019 Thought Leaders
- Ron Baker, CPA (Verasage Institute)
- L. Gary Boomer, CPA.CITP (Boomer Consulting)
- Jim Boomer, CPA.CITP (Boomer Consulting)
- Jim Bourke, CPA.CITP (Withum)
- Jean Caragher (Capstone Marketing)
- Joey Havens (Horne LLP)
- David Cieslak, CPA.CITP, CGMA, GSEC (RKL eSolutions LLC)
- Chris Frederiksen, CPA, CGMA, PFS (2020 Group USA)
- Angie Grissom (The Rainmaker Companies)
- John Higgins, CPA.CITP (CPA Crossings)
- Tom Hood, CPA.CITP, CGMA (Maryland Assn. of CPAs)
- Kacee Johnson, MBA (Blue Ocean Principles)
- Randy Johnston (K2 Enterprises and NMGI)
- Roman Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, CGMA (Right Networks)
- Allan Koltin, CPA, CGMA (Koltin Consulting Group)
- Mark Koziel, CPA, CGMA (AICPA Firm Services)
- Greg LaFollette, CPA.CITP, CGMA (
- Clayton Oates (QA Business)
- Rick Richardson, CPA.CITP, CGMA (Richardson Media & Technologies)
- Michelle (Golden) River (Fore LLP)
- M. Darren Root, CPA.CITP, CGMA (Root Advisors and Rootworks)
- Donny Shimamoto, CPA.CITP, CGMA (IntrapriseTechKnowlogies)
- Leslie Shiner (The Shiner Group)
- Doug Sleeter (Sleeter Consulting)
- Sandi Smith-Leyva, CPA, CMA (Accountant’s Accelerator)
- Brian Tankersley, CPA.CITP, CGMA (K2 Enterprises)
- Rick Telberg (CPA Trendlines)
- Geni Whitehouse, CPA.CITP, CSPM (Even A Nerd)
- Sandra Wiley (Boomer Consulting)
- Jennifer Wilson (Convergence Coaching)
Emeritus Members
- Gale Crosley. CPA (Crosley+Company)
- Edi Osborne, CSPM, CPBA, CPVA (Mentor Plus)
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