President & CEO, Real Time Bookkeeping
San Diego, California
Education: Associate, Computer Science & Accounting, Southwestern College
Professional Associations/Memberships: MSP Alliance, QuickBooks ProAdvisor, AIPB
Hobbies: Church, Computers, Sports, Reading.
Cell phone: Verizon Droid X
Favorite app: Probably the RDP app, this allows me access to my desktop anytime, anywhere.
Do you embrace cloud computing? Definitely. It is the future for not only the accounting profession, but professionals in general. We use virtual servers and hosting of all client applications through the Real Time Bookkeeping system.
How is cloud computing changing the accounting profession, and how concerned are you with the security issues related to cloud computing? As long as you are hosting your clients’ data with a certified and accredited company, the security is not an issue. It’s going to be more secure at a SAS 70 Type II data center that is regulated than it would be in my or my clients’ offices.
Do you foresee the majority of firms still implementing servers for the majority of their computing in their offices five years from now or do you think they will be outsourcing this component to vendors who specialize in this area? Outsourcing of IT and servers is inevitable. When cloud computing can save a practice 70 percent on IT costs as well as relieve the stress of backups, security and IT consultants on staff, there really is no reason why business owners don’t move to the cloud.
What are some ways your firm/business has gone “paperless” and/or “green” in the last two years? Using the e-Dashboard technology, all of our clients’ documents, files and folders are stored at a SAS 70 Type II data center that allows for anytime, anywhere access.
What ONE piece of technology could you absolutely not live without? The Internet. It allows us to keep in touch with our family, clients and coworkers. Also, it allows us to work anytime and anywhere.
What operating system and version of Microsoft Office is installed on your work computer? Windows 7 Professional
How many hours of the day are you plugged in and responsive to client needs? And what tools/products make it possible for you to have flexibility? 40 hours a week; tools like Outlook, Skype, and the e-Dashboard allow me to communicate to my clients in Real Time.
Do you subscribe to a magazine and/or local newspaper? The CPA Technology Advisor Magazine, PC Magazine and USA Today
NOT including your current employer, what company do you most admire and why? Facebook. It has brought our family, friends and coworkers together, allowing us to connect to people that are important to us.
Do you listen to podcasts? Podcasts are great resources that help me keep up with changes in the industry and profession; I can listen to them as I am doing other things.
What is an “old school” business practice or process you’d like to see changed in the next five years and why? I would like to see more virtual communication be utilized, which would allow for less travel and save time.
What sports team/championship event do you absolutely refuse to miss? The Super Bowl — it is the biggest event and brings family and friends together for the big game.
Are you using social networking (such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Facebook) as a marketing tool for your practice/business … or do you use such sites for personal use only? Have you gained any clients or seen other demonstrable benefits from the use of social networking? We use Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. They are great tools for keeping clients updated and a way for prospective clients to follow you. We haven’t seen one be a huge source of new clients, but we do see them as great tools to build relationships.
What pitfalls or what unwritten rules of social networking etiquette exist, which are frequently missed by others in the profession? I think professionals need to focus on sending positive messages out through social networking. It is disappointing when you see negative comments and posts; I think it’s best for people to stay positive and neutral.
What are some of your favorite books, movies, music, websites, and TV shows? “The 4-Hour Workweek”
How many monitors on your desk? I currently have five monitors on my desk: one for the e-Dashboard, one for the accounting software, one for tax programs, one for the Internet and one for the virtual communication software.
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