
February 20, 2019

Marcum Performed Most IPO Audits in 2018 Outside of Big 4

A total of 255 IPOs took place in U.S. capital markets in 2018, of which 156 were audited by the Big Four. Marcum represented 25% of the remaining 99 transactions, or 1 in 4 of all IPOs where a non-Big Four auditor was selected to represent the company.

Marcum LLP performed more IPO audits in 2018 than any other non-Big Four accounting firm and matched one Big Four firm in total transactions, according to Audit Analytics. Marcum completed 25 IPO audits last year, finishing 2018 as the top-ranked non-Big Four IPO audit firm and tying for fourth place overall. 

A total of 255 IPOs took place in U.S. capital markets in 2018, of which 156 were audited by the Big Four. Marcum represented 25% of the remaining 99 transactions, or 1 in 4 of all IPOs where a non-Big Four auditor was selected to represent the company. 

“Marcum continued to lead the industry in IPO audit services performed by non-Big Four accounting firms in 2018. We are proud to say that this is the fourth year in a row that we have maintained this prestigious ranking. Our IPO teams are deeply experienced in the intricacies of audits for new registrants and are highly regarded for their expertise and commitment to client service,” said David Bukzin, Marcum’s vice chairman and leader of the Firm’s national SEC Service Practice. 

Marcum is a registered Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) firm. Marcum’s Assurance Division provides the most up-to-date service and guidance on SEC accounting and reporting issues. Services include Financial Statement Audits in accordance with PCAOB standards; Tax Compliance and Advisory Services; Due Diligence; Agreed-Upon Procedures and Other Attest Work; Internal Audit Services; Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Compliance Services and Software; Technical Accounting Assistance; and IPO Assistance. 

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