Marcum LLP led the accounting industry with more net new SEC clients in 2018 than any other U.S. accounting firm, according to Audit Analytics. Marcum finished the year with a net gain of 31 SEC registrants, outperforming all Big 4 accounting firms, three of which registered declines for the year, as did eight of the 15 national public accounting firms. Marcum was one of only two firms to register double-digit growth in its SEC practice.
“2018 was a banner year for our SEC Services Group, reflecting our absolute commitment to technical excellence and superior client service. As a PCAOB-inspected firm, Marcum upholds exacting standards in our policies, procedures, and quality control which has earned us the confidence of our clients and the entire capital markets community,” said David Bukzin, Marcum’s vice chairman and leader of the Firm’s national SEC Service Practice.
Marcum is a registered Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) firm. Marcum’s Assurance Division provides the most up-to-date service and guidance on SEC accounting and reporting issues. Services include Financial Statement Audits in accordance with PCAOB standards; Tax Compliance and Advisory Services; Due Diligence; Agreed-Upon Procedures and Other Attest Work; Internal Audit Services; Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Compliance Services and Software; Technical Accounting Assistance; and IPO Assistance.
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