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November 15, 2018

AICPA Bestows Highest Tax Award on Gerard H. Schreiber, Jr., CPA

Schreiber has also received the AICPA Tax Division 2016 Distinguished Service Award, the Society of Louisiana CPAs (SLCPA) 2017 Outstanding CPE Discussion Leader Award and the SLCPA Life Membership Award.

Gerard H. Schreiber, Jr., CPA, is the recipient of the 2018 Arthur J. Dixon Memorial Award, the highest honor bestowed by the accounting profession in the area of taxation. 

The award, given by the Tax Division of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), was presented today at the AICPA Fall Tax Division Meeting in Washington, D.C. by Annette Nellen, CPA, CGMA, Esq., chair of the AICPA Tax Executive Committee and director of the Masters of Science in Taxation program at San Jose State University. 

Schreiber is a partner in the Louisiana accounting firm of Schreiber & Schreiber with expertise in accounting, tax, and consulting matters of individuals and small businesses.  His years of helping tax practitioners and state CPA societies in the aftermath of disasters – a skill he honed helping his home state after Hurricane Katrina – has earned him the nickname “CPA master of disaster.”

He has appeared on IRS’ Tax Talk Today and at IRS Nationwide Tax Forums and authored continuing education courses on individual income taxes, IRS practice and procedure, current tax developments, casualty losses, Hurricane Katrina tax matters, GO Zone Act and Circular 230.

Schreiber has also received the AICPA Tax Division 2016 Distinguished Service Award, the Society of Louisiana CPAs (SLCPA) 2017 Outstanding CPE Discussion Leader Award and the SLCPA Life Membership Award.

He has served for close to 25 years on numerous AICPA volunteer groups.  He currently is a member of the IRS Advocacy and Relations Committee.  Schreiber has also served on the IRS Practice and Procedures Committee, the Tax Practice Responsibilities Committee, the Statements on Standards for Tax Services (SSTS) Guidance Task Force, the SSTS Revision Task Force, the Tax Forms Committee, the Tax Forms and Education Task Force and the Circular 230 Education Task Force.  

He received his BBA from Loyola University and is a member of the AICPA, SLCPA and New Orleans Estate Planning Council.

The AICPA’s annual award is in honor of Arthur J. Dixon, a CPA who had an outstanding record of service to the tax profession and to the Institute’s Tax Division.  Dixon was chairman of the AICPA’s Tax Executive Committee from 1977 to 1980 and posthumously won the first award named in his honor.  The award was established after his death in 1981 to honor outstanding CPAs in the area of taxes.

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