EZOfficeInventory 1  59959e5f443c1

September 18, 2017

2017 Review of EZOfficeInventory

EZOfficeInventory is a web-based asset tracking and inventory management system well suited for a variety of industries that need to track inventory as well as other business assets. The product is offered in a variety of plans that are suitable for ...

Mary Girsch-Bock



EZOfficeInventory is a web-based asset tracking and inventory management system well suited for a variety of industries that need to track inventory as well as other business assets. The product is offered in a variety of plans that are suitable for businesses small and large, though EZOfficeInventory is not well suited for retailers. The product works best for businesses that need to track assets and internal, consumable inventory.   EZOfficeInventory also offers mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows devices that allow users to scan both Barcodes and QR Codes at any time.

Ideal for businesses that need to frequently check assets in and out, as well as manage inventory levels, EZOfficeInventory can be easily utilized from multiple locations. The product tracks both assets and inventory in multiple locations, and users can set and receivet low stock alerts from any of these locations. The product also offers the ability to transfer stock between locations as needed. Along with inventory tracking, EZOfficeInventory allows users to track any business assets and also manages purchase orders and depreciation rates. The mobile app provides users with a snapshot of all company assets. Clicking on a particular asset will take the user directly to the asset page for additional information, making checkouts on the field quick and easy.

EZOfficeInventory allows users to easily reserve an asset without conflicts by using the included availability calendar, which offers detail on all available assets, including check-out status and availability on a particular date.

Ideal for service businesses, the product also handles product service, can create service tickets, and tracks asset maintenance, including maintenance dates, vendors, and costs. EZOfficeInventory is integrated with Zendesk, which allows users to quickly identify items that need maintenance, and makes a requester’s ticketing history easily accessible from a centralized space. The product also integrates with Salesforce to track loaner equipment handed out to sales teams.

Users can add any related inventory and asset images and documents directly to the asset or inventory item record, and can opt to enter a product serial number when entering inventory or assets in the identification number field. Users can also create work orders to help keep track of different tasks and projects. This feature allows individuals to add associated work order components, and then assign these orders to members to track and optimize performance.

EZOfficeInventory includes a Label Designer, so users can create and edit both Barcodes or QR Codes as needed. Company logos can also be inserted onto the labels if desired. The Label Designer is fully customizable, with users able to fit multiple codes on a single page. A print label template is also included in the designer. The product does not offer kitting or volume pricing or discounts, though Package and Bundle options are available for grouping multiple assets together for easier checkout. Carts may also be used to check multiple items out at once, or transfer or reserve them conveniently.

The product is well suited for basic inventory items, since it does not track multiple price levels or multiple variations of products, though there is an option to add custom fields for any inventory product or asset. These make managing warranties, expiry dates, and product specifications really easy. Custom fields are also present for carts, vendors, members, and purchase orders, which helps organize a large number of data points.

Reporting options in EZOfficeInventory are quite robust for Asset Management, but inventory reports are limited to an All Inventory Report, Line Items, Stock Summary, and Low Stock Report. Other reports include Available Assets, Checked Out Assets, Overdue Assets, and an Asset Depreciation Report. All reports can be exported to a CSV file for customization, or saved as a PDF. Reports, alerts, and printout templates can also be customized to cater to unique workflows. There is also an option to export reports to Dropbox, if needed. In addition, reports can be scheduled to be sent to employees at fixed intervals, making quick work of sharing data across an organization.

Users can easily export a variety of information from EZOfficeInventory, including assets, asset stock, locations, groups, vendors, members, reports, and documents. All items can be exported to a CSV file, or saved as a PDF if desired. The import wizard also makes populating EZOfficeInventory with company data a seamless process.

Since EZOfficeInventory is designed more as an internal asset and inventory management application, and is not designed for retailers, the product does not offer integration with Point of Sale or eCommerce options such as shopping carts, although a sister product called EZRentOut is made with exactly these use-cases in mind.

Employee ID scans, and LDAP and SAML SSO make this a really accessible product from the user’s point of view. The asset tracking software also comes with various user roles to ensure editing access is only provided to certain people. In addition, EZOfficeInventory’s access control feature helps limit visibility of certain items based on item group, location, or both. This is particularly useful when managing different departments or teams within an organization. You can even enable administrator approval for check-outs and check-ins to further monitor asset usage in the workplace.

EZOfficeInventory offers users diverse help options from their website, including access to a variety of video tutorials covering the main areas of the application. A Getting Started document is also available that provides detailed descriptions of all areas of the product, and how to get up and running quickly. FAQs and a Knowledge Base are also available from the website, and users can easily access all help functionality directly from the application as well.

Well suited for businesses that need to track assets and internal inventory levels at multiple locations, EZOfficeInventory is available in five levels. The Silver plan supports 50 users and 200 items and currently runs $320.00 per year, while the Diamond plan supports 200 users and 3,500 items and runs $1,674.00 per year. Gold, Platinum, and a Corporate plan are also available. All plans offer mobile apps, Barcode and QR scanning, label design, GPS capability, and reporting.

2017 Rating – 4.25 Stars





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Mary Girsch-Bock

Mary Girsch-Bock

Contributing Writer

Mary grew up in Chicago, graduating from the University of Illinois-Chicago. She began her career as accountant and later made the switch to writing full time, concentrating on business and technology, with a focus on small business. A former QuickBooks beta tester, Mary’s work has appeared in The Motley Fool, The Blueprint, and Property Manager.com.  She currently writes a monthly accounting and technology-related blog for PLANERGY, and ghostwrites several blogs for various software companies.