Eric Curtiss, CPA of Berntson Porter & Company, PLLC has been accepted as a member of the Real Estate & Construction CPAs, a nationwide association of CPA firms that provide specialized accounting, tax and consulting services to real estate & construction organizations. To be awarded membership in Real Estate & Construction CPAs, individuals must demonstrate proficiency and commitment to serving clients in these industries.
Curtiss is a member of the tax department at Berntson Porter, where he works with a variety of clients across a wide range of industries performing tax analysis, tax review and tax preparation. His client and practice specialties include construction, real estate development, homebuilders and technology. He is a member of the AICPA and WSCPA and serves on the Young Professionals Advisory Board of the Washington Policy Center. Additionally, he serves on the WSCPA Construction Committee and the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business Accounting Development Fund Executive Committee.
“Running a successful real estate or construction organization has become more complicated,” said Curtiss. “But this complexity creates opportunities. It’s crucial for firms to work with an experienced advisor that can add value with their expertise and help their clients capitalize on these opportunities. We are thrilled to join forces with this group and look forward to growing and sharing our knowledge of real estate and construction accounting with like-minded firms.”
Through Real Estate and Construction CPAs, members gain access to relationships and educational resources that assist them in staying on the forefront of the real estate and construction industries.
Real Estate and Construction CPAs is a nationwide association of CPA firms devoted to serving the real estate and construction industry. Its members provide proactive solutions to the accounting needs of developers, contractors, and other industry constituents.
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