From the 2017 review of asset management systems.
CheqRoom is a web-based equipment management software product designed primarily to track business equipment and assets. The product offers easy equipment tracking capability, with users able to utilize mobile devices during the tracking process. For those who check out equipment on a regular basis, those same mobile devices can be used to scan bar codes of assets for quick check in and check out.
CheqRoom also offers a template that users can utilize to create a usage agreement. This agreement can be provided electronically to customers to sign prior to lending out a piece of equipment. Equipment status is readily available, so users can view what has been checked out, what is available for check out, and exactly where the asset/equipment is at any time.
CheqRoom also allows users to schedule regular equipment maintenance, flag any equipment malfunctions and maintain equipment maintenance records. A GPS tracking system is also available, which provides businesses with real time information on where equipment is; whether at a rental site or simply at a different location.
For businesses that need up to the minute detail on the status of their assets and equipment, CheqRoom is a good fit. The product starts at $25.00 per month and will track 50 items; with various plan levels available. All plans support an unlimited number of users.
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