Online reviews have increasingly developed the past few years and ReportLinker conducted a survey to answer three questions:
● Do people trust online reviews more than their friends?
● Do they read reviews before buying a product or visiting a place?
● What items or activities are the most reviewed online?
Key results show that:
● 98% believe online reviews are somewhat reliable
● And 59% of shoppers believe online reviews are equally as trustworthy as a review provided by a friend
Consumers choose different online review sites depending on the product or service being researched:
● When looking for a good restaurant, consumers head to Yelp 53% of the time
● But for those looking for product reviews Amazon and eBay top the list, with each mentioned 57% of the time.
By far the most popular category of online reviews is electronics with 71% of mentions
● Hotel and restaurant reviews are the next most-popular searches (53% and 52%)
● Followed by automobiles, entertainment and clothing, beauty and personal care product reviews.
Despite an extensive reliance on these online evaluations, only 51% of online shoppers say they take the time to write them.
To see all the survey results click here.
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