No April 15 Tax IRS2 58c6d6cf3ea4d

March 31, 2017

Taxpayers Get Extra Time To File Federal and Some State Income Taxes in 2017

What about the due date for filing state income tax returns? Generally, the states go along with whatever deadline Uncle Sam sets, but a handful of states have special rules. For 2016 state income returns, Hawaii has a due date of April 20, 2017.

Tax filers have three extra days this year to submit their income tax returns to the IRS. In some states, residents can file their state income tax returns even later.

Normally, the tax due for individuals and corporations to file their federal income tax returns – Form 1040 for individuals and Form 1120 for corporations, respectively – is the 15th day of the four month after the close of the tax year. That works out to April 15th and this “Tax Day” has become synonymous with filing tax returns in this country.

However, there are a few wrinkles to the rules. If the filing due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the deadline is moved to the following weekday. Because April 15th is on a Saturday, this year, that would push the due date two days forward to Monday, April 17th. But wait.

Holidays Affect State and Federal Taxes

The term “legal holiday” means any legal holiday in the District of Columbia. And it just so happens that April 16th is Emancipation Day in our nation’s capital. This holiday commemorates the signing of the “Compensated Emancipation Act” by President Lincoln on April 16, 1862. When April 16th falls on a Sunday, Emancipation Day is celebrated in D.C. on Monday, April 17th. Thus, for 2016 returns, the official due date is pushed back yet another day, to Tuesday, April 18th.

In Maine and Massachusetts, Patriots’ Day is a statewide legal holiday observed on the third Monday of April. In 2016, Patriots’ Day fell on Monday, April 18th. So that gave residents in these two states an extra day — to Tuesday, April 19, 2016 – to file their 2015 returns. This year, the filing due date is the same as it is for other taxpayers around the country, April 18th.

What about the due date for filing state income tax returns? Generally, the states go along with whatever deadline Uncle Sam sets, but a handful of states have special rules. For 2016 state income returns, Hawaii has a due date of April 20, 2017;

Iowa has a due date of May 1, 2017; Louisiana as a due date of May 15, 2017; and Virginia has a due date of May 1, 2017. Finally, eight states – Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Washington — don’t impose state income taxes. Consult

Even with the extended due date, taxpayers may not have enough time to file. No worries – you can obtain an automatic six-month extension, but you still must pay the requisite tax by the initial due date. P.S. October 15th falls on a Sunday, so the foiling extension due date is moved to Monday, October 16th.


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