
October 11, 2016

Three Social Media Technologies That Will Save You Time and Trouble

Social media can be incredibly profitable, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. Here are three tools that help to take the work out of social media and put the profit back in.

Sandi Smith Leyva

Social media can be incredibly profitable, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. Here are three tools that help to take the work out of social media and put the profit back in.


Adding graphics to your social media makes them stand out far more than simply using text. Luckily, you won’t need to hire your very own graphics designer as long as you use Canva. You can easily put together professional-looking graphics with headlines for a very small fee.

Check it out at


If you’re going to write all those posts, tweets, and statuses, then you might as well share them with all your social media platforms. Don’t worry, you won’t have to spend all day posting. Hootsuite allows you to not only post to multiple platforms like Facebook and Twitter at the same time; it also allows you to schedule them months in advance.

We “batch” almost all of work and especially our marketing. My team writes weeks’ worth of tweets in one sit-down, I approve them, and then they are posted to Hootsuite. This makes us look consistent while saving a ton of time.    

Check it out at


Tools like Zapier and IFTTT allow you to integrate your social media and other marketing tools. If a new subscriber signs up for your newsletter or blog, you can add them to one of your Twitter lists. You can trigger actions when someone follows you on Twitter, favorites a tweet, and more. With hundreds of apps and actions to choose from, you can automate many of the social media actions you might be doing manually.

Check it out at

Try these three favorites to boost your social media effectiveness and ROI.  



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Sandi Smith Leyva

CPA, Author, World Traveler, Copilot, Neuroscientist, Marketing Strategist Only one in 150 million women has done what Sandi Smith Leyva has done successfully:  copiloted a single-engine airplane around the world.  Combine that accomplishment with a stellar business career, a 100-country travel itinerary, and volunteer work on four continents, and you have a one-of-a-kind speaker for your special event. Sandi uses her astonishing life experiences to help others achieve their own gigantic dreams. She blends the latest proven scientific methods into her speeches to help people realize how their minds can be their greatest source of personal power. Sandi’s uniqueness is unmatched: Award-winning international author of eight books and over 200 articles. 2016 Top 25 Thought Leaders in Accounting from CPA Practice Advisor. 2013 “Maverick of the Year” from Stevie Women in Business Awards. 1995 copilot with Jay Merten, MD, flying his six-seat Piper Malibu 25,303 nautical miles to 20 countries in 86 days. Small business entrepreneur who makes payroll every other Friday. The only CPA/MBA you might meet that also earned a Master degree in Neuroscience. To book Sandi or find out more, email us at or call us 972-985-9129 (Central Time)