September 8, 2016

National Society of Accountants Elects New Officers and Directors

The National Society of Accountants (NSA) elected a slate of new officers, District Governors, and State Directors at its 71st Annual Convention in Tampa, FL.

The National Society of Accountants (NSA) elected a slate of new officers, District Governors, and State Directors at its 71st Annual Convention in Tampa, FL.

The following officers were installed to the NSA Executive Committee for 2016-2017:

  • President – Alfred Giovetti, CPA, ABA, ATA, ARA, Catonsville, MD
  • First Vice President – Brian L. Thompson, CPA, Little Rock, AR
  • Second Vice President – Christine Freeland, CPA, ABA, ARA, Chandler, AZ

District Governors elected to new terms in several districts included:

  • District II: Robert Genovese, ATA, ATP, Howard Beach, NY
  • District IV: Dave Rancourt, EA, ATA, ABA, ARA, Sarasota, FL
  • District VI: Debra J. Cope, CPA, ATA, ATP, Chattanooga, TN
  • District VIII: Marchelle Foshee, CPA, Morrilton, AR
  • District X: Ruth Godfrey, EA, Upland, CA

State Directors elected include:

District I:
New Hampshire: Edda M. Martin, ATP, ARA

Maine: Marcus E. McAllister, EA

Massachusetts: Jerome V. Sweeney, II, CPA, ATA, ABA, ATP


District III:

Maryland: Ronald H. Grafman, EA

West Virginia: Kathleen Rogers “Billie” Lovett, CPA


District V:

Wisconsin: Margaret Schell, CPA

Indiana: Steve Haworth, CPA, ATA, ABA, ARA

Illinois: Raymond Heinen, EA, ARA

Michigan: Richard L. Petrucha, EA, ABA


District VI:

Tennessee: Gene Damron, CPA, ABA, ATA, ATP


District VII:

Missouri: Marcia Reed, EA, ABA

Nebraska: Eric R. Hansen, ATP

North Dakota: Albert D. Krueger, EA

Kansas: Sally Levitt, EA, PA, ATA, ABA

Minnesota: Ellen E. Stebbins, EA, ABA, ATA, ATP, ARA


District IX:

Alaska: James R. Dailey, EA

Idaho: W. Brian Haderlie, CPA

Oregon: Shirly R. Kindig, ABA

Colorado: Robert D. Kuziak, PA, ATP, ARA

Montana: Mary A. Lemons, EA, ABA

Washington: Lawrence C. Walkden, EA, ATA, ABA, ARA


District X:

California: Roger Kent, EA


District XI:

Hawaii: Eric Matsuda, CPA, ATA, ABA


For more information about NSA, visit

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