July 7, 2013

CCH releases new tools for ProSystem fx Practice Management

Newly released resource forecasting tools now available in the latest version of CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management make it possible for firms to plan their client work in weekly increments and easy for partners and billing managers to quickly see client work planned for the upcoming week or for weeks in advance.

Newly released resource forecasting tools now available in the latest version of CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management make it possible for firms to plan their client work in weekly increments and easy for partners and billing managers to quickly see client work planned for the upcoming week or for weeks in advance.

On highly visual, user-friendly dashboards, firm managers can clearly monitor workload balance and assign client work to staff. CCH, part of Wolters Kluwer is a leading global provider of tax, accounting and audit information, software and services (CCHGroup.com).

“We often hear from our customer firms that they want to more efficiently monitor staff scheduling, without adding the complexity of scheduling software,” said Mike Ritchie, CCH Director of Product Management for Accounting, Audit & Workflow Solutions.

“With the new forecasting enhancements to our Practice Management solution, firms of all sizes can eliminate resource guesswork and see exactly where day-to-day productivity can be improved.”

Enhanced Functionality, Improved Efficiency

Firms no longer need to utilize separate software solutions to forecast workload assignments. The new forecasting features of ProSystem fx Practice Management include:

  • My Week Forecast – Is available by clicking on the My Week Forecast tab on the Employee dashboard and lets employees forecast their own time, using the new Forecast Hours feature, and easily call up the hours they’ve been assigned;
  • Week at a Glance – Available on the Firm dashboard, the Week at a Glance tab can help firms improve client service and increase retention by letting managers and partners see who is working on which clients in a particular week;
  • Resources Dashboard – This new dashboard lets managers and/or schedulers balance workloads and identify upcoming bottlenecks; and
  • Week at a Glance Report – This new standard report shows partners and managers what clients each employee is working on each week. The improved visibility helps firms maximize revenue per employee.

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