With the increased threat of natural and man made disasters many businesses are turning to cloud hosting technology to protect sensitive business data.
According to Symantec, less than 23 percent of SMBs backup daily and nearly half of these businesses would loose more than 40 percent of their data in a disaster. Any interruption in business continuity can mean significant losses in revenue due to lost of productivity and data.
For the past ten years, The Bonadio Group, CPA firm in Rochester, N.Y., has been ahead of the trend and has offered Quickbooks Web Hosting services to clients looking to store their financial records through a private cloud environment maintained by the CPA firm.
This hosting service allows clients to save their financial records without having to worry about backing up files daily or having sensitive materials stolen, misplaced, or lost.
As one of only a few CPA firms to host this service on a localized private cloud and network, clients of The Bonadio Group have received the benefit of no longer having to worry about losing crucial and sensitive data before tax season. The threat of the post office losing an original document, or the fear of misplacing hardcopies has been eliminated.
With tax season upon us, transferring this sensitive information is at the tops of most people’s minds in the industry. This hosted service is a great way to eliminate that added stress.
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