One of the benefits to being a virtual bookkeeper is the ability to work from the comfort of home., a completely virtual accounting firm, recently gave their work-at-home employees a gift that makes staying comfortable even easier: cozy slippers.
The team did not take the task of choosing the perfect slippers lightly, sampling many before they found a fashionable and comfortable style.
“It’s about building a corporate culture, even when your employees are thousands of miles away from each other,” says co-founder Bill Gerber. “For several years we’ve searched for the perfect welcome gift to give our new employees. We sent them coffee mugs, but we needed something to further define our culture. As an employer, one of the things we take pride in is the ability to offer our staff an opportunity to work from the comforts of their homes. So, what could be better than cozy slippers signifying just that?”
Earning the slippers is no easy feat. After passing’s strict hiring process and background checks, bookkeepers undergo extensive training and must pass a rigorous four-hour test.
After getting their feet wet, with 90 days of employment, they earn their slippers, which might be considered the work-at-home equivalent of pilots earning their wings.
In addition to the welcome gift, employees receive other treats throughout the year, including bagels or pizza at the end of the busy season. The treats help employees feel appreciated, and they are quick to show their thanks.
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