CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business recently announced it will feature regular articles from global tax professionals at Grant Thornton LLP in its Global Tax Weekly – A Closer Look. CCH provides tax, accounting and audit information, software and services to tax and accounting professionals and businesses.
“Grant Thornton’s tax consulting and compliance professionals advise clients conducting business around the world and writing for Global Tax Weekly is a great opportunity to share our insight and experience with experts working in all types of business sectors,” said Joseph Calianno, a Partner in Grant Thornton’s Washington National Tax Office and the firm’s International Technical Tax Practice Leader.
Global Tax Weekly features global tax stories that focus on financial institutions, automotive, aerospace, construction, energy, manufacturing and other industries. It also includes weekly roundups of tax treaty developments, new judgments and upcoming tax conferences. The articles from Grant Thornton will offer additional insight on international tax topics and the latest tax developments affecting businesses. A few of the topics covered include business formation, capital gains, comparative international tax statistics, corporate income tax, GAAR, intellectual property, treaties and VAT, GST and sales tax.
“Readers will definitely benefit from key analysis by Grant Thornton’s contributors, giving tax and financial professionals an even greater advantage in navigating a constantly shifting global tax landscape,” said Mark Friedlich, CCH’s Director of Publishing for Accounting, Audit and International Tax. “This partnership really strengthens Global Tax Weekly as a current and insightful one-stop source for expert guidance on worldwide tax and financial developments – providing readers a competitive edge.”
Global Tax Weekly is currently available on CCH’s IntelliConnect platform, as well as the iPhone and iPad.
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