
October 1, 2012

Now Announcing…CPA Small Business Advisor

Our new eNewsletter CPA Small Business Advisor Launched on October 2!

Taija Sparkman

Starting October 2, CPA Practice Advisor will deliver even more exciting and relevant content to our readers through CPA Small Business Advisor. CPA Small Business Advisor is our newest weekly eNewsletter, focused on information that is both important and relevant to our small business readers.

Each week, our readers will receive the CPA Small Business Advisor eNewsletter filled with articles about some of the biggest concerns and issues facing small business owners today. Readers will have access to tips and best practices, as well as the latest information and news impacting the small business owner.

Register online today with and sign up to receive CPA Small Business Advisor in your inbox tomorrow.

View this week’s CPA Small Business Advisor now.

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Tags: Small Business

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Taija Sparkman

Assistant Editor

Taija Sparkman is an assistant editor for CPA Practice Advisor.