October 1, 2009

TPS Software Inc. — TPS Time & Billing


Marty McCutchen

From the October 2009 Review of Time
& Billing Programs

is a time and billing product that is specifically designed for accountants
in public practice. The product is built on Microsoft technologies; therefore
the product has nice integration with other Microsoft applications.

Since TPS was build specifically for accountants, it has a straight forward
and intuitive time and expense entry workflow. The user interface and navigation
has a distinct Microsoft look and feel. This client server installed application
is fairly easy to install and set up. Once the firm has loaded all of its client,
staff and billing information, the assignment of time and expense entries is
easily done with intuitive drop down menus.

When the user sets up a client engagement, managers can assign staff to each
engagement as well as enter the client referral source. I was surprised to see
this option in the product, but keeping track of your client referral sources
is a good business practice. Users can either directly enter their time or use
the stopwatch type timer in the product. The stopwatch will automatically transfer
the time to the time entry.

A unique feature in TPS is its ability to create confirmation letters for
cash, accounts receivable, notes payable, etc. There are many template communication
letters preinstalled in the product. Since TPS utilizes Microsoft technologies,
these letters are easily customized to your specific scenario or situation.
TPS also has a remote access feature that allows staff to enter time and expense
items while away from the office.

Client relationships are easy to manage in TPS. Users can easily review transaction
history by client on screen. This transaction history is easily filtered to
allow users to review the most pertinent information. TPS also comes loaded
with many useful reports that can be tailored to fit your firm’s needs.
All reports are generated using Crystal reports; therefore customization is
normally not a problem.

The best management function in TPS is the Due Date Tracker. Engagements can
be filtered by service category or by year end. This is very useful when things
get busy around the office and you need to make sure all tasks get taken care
of in a timely manner. The Due Date Tracker is very easy to set up and use in
this product. Additional filters available are listings of engagements by staff,
status, extension filed, etc.

The billing process in TPS is quick and simple. There are two primary billing
options in the product; Quick Bill and Detail Bill. Quick Bill allows the user
to select unbilled WIP and the selected WIP and related information is automatically
populated on the final bill. Detail Bill allows the user to select the WIP to
be billed and then edit/customize the invoice before it is presented to the

The Detail Bill process also allows users to integrate client notes from the
time & expense entries with the final bill. TPS also allow firms to create
libraries of billing paragraphs that can be used over and over. This is a great
time saver when preparing bills. This is a simple point and click process.

Once the bill is prepared, there is an onscreen preview feature that allows
users to review the bill before it is printed. Bills are produced as Word documents
and spell check is available to ensure no spelling or grammar mistakes are made.
TPS makes it easy to create final bills, interim bills and partial bills. Mark
up/downs of WIP are also easily managed during this process.

As mentioned above, TPS is built using Microsoft technologies, therefore integration
with MS Office products works very well. At the present time, TPS does not integrate
with any other applications or products.

TPS allow users to click the Help button from every screen in the product. If
you need further assistance telephone technical support is available as well.

TPS is a quality product that will fit the needs of most small to mid-sized


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Marty McCutchen


Marty spent 11 years as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers and other regional CPA firms. In 2006, he founded CPA Service Group, which develops SaaS applications for CPA firms. In 2008, he started Highterrace, developers of custom web-based software applications for all types of commercial business (franchises, manufacturing, energy, learning, accounting, etc.). In addition to his software development efforts, Marty continues to provide accounting and finance consulting services to select clients.