October 1, 2009

Abak Softwares — Abak 7.0


Marty McCutchen

From the October 2009 Review of Time
& Billing Programs

is a Canadian company that has developed a time and billing application focused
on professional services firms for the U.S. and Canadian markets, including
accountants. This application can be installed on a firm’s internal network
or can be used by practices as a hosted ASP program.

Abak has a simple and fairly straight-forward time and expense entry interface.
The user has two separate ways to enter time and expenses: The “fast entry”
or the “detailed entry” method. The fast entry method allows the
user to create default criteria, which allows information to be automatically
populated on the detailed screen.. When entering information using the detailed
entry method, users can include additional details and descriptions for corresponding
time or expense entries.

The product also has web-based time and expense entry available. This allows
users who are out of the office to easily enter their time without having to
come into the office.

If your firm is used to the Microsoft Office user interface, staff will have
no problem using Abak, which has a layout similar to Outlook and uses icons
that are easily recognizable and intuitive. Within 15 minutes of clicking icons
and toolbars, I was able to easily navigate through the program without any
training or reading any of the help or support items available. By utilizing
the support features of the product, you will be up and running on this product
very quickly. Its simplicity is its greatest asset.

Abak gives firm management the ability to easily manage the resources of their
practice. The management tab in the product allows users to manage clients,
project/engagement, client contacts, resources and staff, and vendors, if applicable.
It is easy to set up engagements in this product. Once it is created, the user
can easily and intuitively enter the pertinent details of the engagement, such
as the starting and ending dates, budgets, invoice formats, invoicing calendar,
GL account mapping, etc. Once these items are set up, you are ready to start
charging time to your clients.

The product comes standard with two dozen useful management reports, which
can be viewed or output form the system’s management dashboard. As each
practice manages their practice differently, each firm’s reporting needs
will be a little different. Abak addresses this by using Crystal reports. You
can contact the vendor to create many additional reports to help you manage
your practice better.

Abak provides seamless integration with QuickBooks, ACCPAC and other accounting
packages, as well as with ADP payroll services. If your firm utilizes Microsoft
Project for project management tasks, Abak can import this information as well.
If your firm is currently using Excel or Word for time and expense entry, this
information can also be imported into Abak.

You will never be lost in this product. Help is available on every screen in
the product. Abak also provides additional support and training at an additional
cost. You can look on their website for more information on the options available
for your firm.

You will never be lost in this product. Help is available on every screen in
the product. Abak also provides additional support and training at an additional
cost. You can look on their website for more information on the options available
for your firm.

In my opinion, this system is a great fit for mid-sized and larger firms and
will get the job done. Abak’s best quality is its simplicity to use. Your
firm will not purchase this product and then later complain that it is too complex.
If your firm is still using Microsoft Office programs for your time and expense
processes, Abak will be a good step in upgrading your workflow.



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Marty McCutchen


Marty spent 11 years as an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers and other regional CPA firms. In 2006, he founded CPA Service Group, which develops SaaS applications for CPA firms. In 2008, he started Highterrace, developers of custom web-based software applications for all types of commercial business (franchises, manufacturing, energy, learning, accounting, etc.). In addition to his software development efforts, Marty continues to provide accounting and finance consulting services to select clients.

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