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Four Ways to Use Twitter for the Accounting Profession

If “I don’t get it” adequately describes your thoughts about Twitter and its uses for the accounting profession, then listen up: You CAN use Twitter to build your practice, increase business and grow your bottom line.

I get this question all the time from my clients who want to know how they can build their business through social media, and specifically, Twitter – the hot trend of the day.

What I advise is that you want to be considered a “Thought  Leader” when you tweet (the term for posting messages on Twitter), so instead of tweeting about what you had for dinner or what meeting you attended, tweet about impactful topics that will position you as an expert:

Make an observation about a recent accounting news story, and provide a link to the story with your tweet.
Read a good business book lately? Present one concept and provide a link to the book on Amazon.
Take a stand on something in the news that is not related to accounting, but is related to business.
Learn how to “re-tweet” others’ postings on Twitter. You’re passing along information you found valuable and useful.

You’ll have to learn to tell your story in just 140 characters. That’s not a lot of time and not a lot of copy, but it can be done and is very simple to execute.

Finally, if you don’t know how to use Twitter or need help getting started, there are tons of resources available for free. Google, “How to Use Twitter” and you’ll find videos, how-to guides and thought pieces to help you tweet more effectively.

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