April 17, 2008

Programs Add Value To Tax Services

From the April/May 2008 Review of Tax Compliance Suites Not every professional tax compliance system provides every possible feature, which is probably a good thing, since this could likely result in overly cluttered programs that would be harder to navigate with a negative effect on productivity. And not every practice needs the same compliance tools... Read more »

From the April/May 2008 Review
of Tax Compliance Suites

Not every professional tax compliance system provides every possible feature,
which is probably a good thing, since this could likely result in overly cluttered
programs that would be harder to navigate with a negative effect on productivity.
And not every practice needs the same compliance tools that a professional a
few blocks away or a town over needs.

Many firms and individuals have found a specialty niche that distinguishes
them from other firms, which results in different clients, different workflow
processes and different technological needs. As such, there are many products
that can strengthen a professional practice by adding specific specialty functions
or increased capabilities, whether as an integrated component of the tax system
or as a stand-alone program.

Among these are systems that automate workflow processes, increase diagnostic
capabilities, improve compilation of workpapers and give a practice greater
assurance of due-diligence through automated checklists. While there are likely
dozens or more such products that individual practices have found beneficial
to their specific client base and workflow processes, here are a few that stand
out, enhancing the tax practices that use them.

Check out these programs that can enhance your firm’s tax services:

HC Sharp: 1040 Review

SurePrep: DreamWorkpapers

XCM Solutions; XCM Accelerated Workflow


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