February 26, 2019

RootWorks 2010 Who’s Who

RootWorks … Super-charged! RootWorks launched in 2008 with a primary focus on providing small accounting firms with a single, expert source for technology, best practices, and branding and communications support. Within the last year, we have super-charged RootWorks by recalibrating our service model to offer broad membership options. Depending on the membership level, our customers... Read more »

RootWorks … Super-charged!

RootWorks launched in 2008 with a primary focus on providing small accounting firms with a single, expert source for technology, best practices, and branding and communications support. Within the last year, we have super-charged RootWorks by recalibrating our service model to offer broad membership options. Depending on the membership level, our customers have all-access rights to RootWorks, many helpful resources and access to our complete line of creative services.

At RootWorks, we strive to keep members engaged and on track to achieve Next Generation status


Consider our offerings

Leadership Community — Communities represent the first step to reaching Next Generation status. Members are introduced to the basic elements of a next-gen firm and learn from expert presenters and peer discussions and roundtables.

RootWorks Online — Members stay connected to Next Generation thinking with this all-inclusive resource, complete with timely articles, video training, how-to libraries, and opportunities for peer-to-peer learning in a virtual setting. Members also gain access to industry leaders and others who specialize in supporting the tax and accounting profession.

Full Branding — Customers can completely re-brand their firm with a personalized and professional website, logo and collateral set. RootWorks’ team of experts ensures that a firm’s client communications are consistent across the board and clearly represent a professional image.

Web Development — Customers can opt for a personalized, professionally branded, and highly tech-savvy website for their firm — which includes a Client Login Center and many other helpful options.


It’s time to super-charge your firm. Let RootWorks help you navigate through change to emerge as a Next Generation Accounting Firm™!


RootWorks, LLC

1516 S. Walnut Street

Bloomington, IN 47401


(877) 259-9256

Founded: 2008

Employees: 7

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