RIA — Checkpoint
How much is a plumber’s truck worth? For tax purposes, how much of its value did it lose this year? How much is remaining? What if he sells it? Although the concept of depreciation may be straightforward in itself (Asset A depreciates by X percent per time period B), properly calculating depreciation for tax purposes often is not so simple.
Tax practice is many things. In our tax practice, the ability to effectively “tax plan” has been the key to the retention and recruitment of clients, and I believe our office is typical.
Yes, compliance. Forms and remittances are due at regularly scheduled intervals. Sound familiar? Sure, it’s a monthly chore for most businesses, while others prepare forms and remit on a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. Today, remitted taxes are important to the operation of every level of government.
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In our April/May 2005 issue, we reviewed tax preparation suites, our definition for programs that fill virtually every type of year-end reporting need for almost all types of entities.
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