May 22, 2017

Three New Members Appointed to IRS Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Govt Entities

The committee includes external stakeholders and representatives who deal with employee retirement plans; tax-exempt organizations; tax-exempt bonds; federal, state, local and Indian tribal governments.

The Internal Revenue Service has announced the appointment of three new members of the Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT). ACT presents reports and recommendations to IRS leadership at a June 7 public meeting.

The committee includes external stakeholders and representatives who deal with employee retirement plans; tax-exempt organizations; tax-exempt bonds; federal, state, local and Indian tribal governments.

New members will begin three-year terms and join seven returning members. ACT advises the IRS on operational policy and procedural improvements.

ACT was established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to provide an organized public forum for discussion of relevant issues affecting the tax exempt and government entities communities. At the public meeting, three ACT project teams will present reports that include recommendations pertaining to the following areas:

  • Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Replacement Plans: Recommendations Regarding FICA Replacement Plan Requirements.
  • Future of the Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities: Recommendations Regarding Changes Made to the ACT.
  • Online Accounts: Recommendations Regarding Expansion of Online Accounts for Tax Exempt Entities.

The public meeting is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Eastern Time on June 7, at IRS headquarters. The address is 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20224. Reports presented will be available on

Due to limited seating and security requirements, members of the public interested in attending the meeting should email their attendance request to by May 31. Attendees must have photo identification and are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes before the session begins. 

The three new ACT members are:

  • Michael Engle, Kansas City, Mo.
    Michael has extensive experience working with exempt organizations and governmental entities on various tax issues including employment tax. He has direct experience working with non-profit hospitals and colleges and universities. He has written a number of technical articles and has been a presenter for conferences and webinars. He is a Certified Public Accountant and actively involved with the AICPA. He serves on the BKD, LLP non-profit committee and is the leader of their health care committee. He is involved with the AICPA and Missouri Society of CPAs.
  • Andrew Lipkin, New York, N.Y.
    Andrew is an attorney and now Senior Tax Counsel for New York City and has management responsibility for other attorneys. He provides counsel to his employer, and is familiar with issues affecting federal, state and local governments.
  • Jean Swift, Mashantucket, Conn.
    Jean is a tribal leader with diverse experience in business management, administration and establishing strategic partnerships. She is a CPA in Connecticut and a Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor. She is currently Treasurer of the first Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Council.

These three will serve on the committee with the following ACT members, who will continue on the committee through June 2018:

  • Susan Bernstein, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
  • Judith Boyette, Hanson Bridgett LLP
  • Natasha Cavanaugh, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • David Danenfelzer, Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation
  • Marcelino Gomez, Private Practice
  • William Johnson, First Southwest Asset Management
  • Cindy Lott, Columbia University’s School of Professional Studies


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