February 11, 2015

Where’s My Tax Refund? App and Website Make It Easy to Find Out

Two of the most asked questions by Americans this time of year are either, "How Much Do I Owe?," or "Where's My Income Tax Refund?"

Two of the most asked questions by Americans this time of year are either, “How Much Do I Owe?,” or “Where’s My Income Tax Refund?”

If you’re in the first group, we can only advise that you seek out the expertise of a tax professional like a CPA or Enrolled Agent.

But if you’re in the second group, expecting a refund, we can point you in the right direction to find out. According to the IRS, more than 90 percent of refunds are issued in less than 21 days. It’s usually even faster for taxpayers who have their income tax refunds directly deposited into their bank accounts.

And even though IRS representatives cannot provide individual refund information before then, taxpayers can easily find information about their refund by using the Where’s My Refund? tool. It’s available on IRS.gov and on the Smartphone app, IRS2Go.

Where’s My Refund? provides taxpayers with the most up-to-date information available. Taxpayers must have information from their current, pending tax return to access their refund information. Refund information is updated just once a day, generally overnight, so there’s no need to check more than once a day.

Another useful chart on our website can show you when to expect your refund (electronic or paper), depending on when you filed your taxes.

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Tags: Income Tax, IRS, Taxes

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