Jim Boomer, CPA.CITP, CGMA, MBA – 38
CIO/SHareholder, Boomer Consulting, Inc.
Manhattan KS
What are the key areas of your firm that have seen the greatest change/challenge in workflow over the past few years? (Or, what are the key challenges you see firms facing?)
We have made major strides over the last few years in regards to improving our processes and workflow. Some of this is related to the cloud and mobile technologies we’ve selected but the biggest impact has come from applying Lean Six Sigma principals to our process improvement efforts. Our systems were then selected based on their ability to streamline and automate those processes. The main improvements we’ve recognized are increased collaboration, improved communication and better client service.
To what extent have you and your practice/company embraced cloud computing?
Boomer Consulting, Inc. has embraced cloud computing 100%. Everything from email to our VOIP system has been moved to the cloud. I believe cloud computing is gaining momentum in our profession and we are certainly helping our clients plan for and manage the transition. Over the last couple years, we’ve seen a general shift from resistance towards acceptance and several firms have made (or at least begun) the transition to the cloud.
In what ways have you contributed to your firm/company to make it a better place?
Through investment in technology, process improvement and company culture, Boomer Consulting’s leadership team is continually striving to make our company a better place. Our technology roadmap resulted in our company being 100% in the cloud. This has enabled staff to work remotely with ease. With a continual focus on efficiencies, we have implemented Lean Six Sigma to streamline the processes in our firm. Just last year, the company embraced Five Star Client Service to improve how the staff works with one another and our clients.
In what ways do you participate in either the professional community or your local community to help others?
I’ve been very active in the AICPA and KSCPA for the last several years. I’ve helped plan and organize the AICPA TECH+ Conference as a member of the planning committee for the last 8 years and recently became chair. I also served on the CITP credentials committee for 3 years and took an active role in developing the certification exam as the chair of task force responsible for bringing the exam to reality. At the state level, I am about to start my second 3-year term on the Board of Directors, this time as a member of the executive committee. Finally, I’ve participated in both the AICPA Leadership Academy and KSCPA 20 Up to 40 Leadership Program.
What major changes do you foresee in the accounting profession of the near future (3-5 years)?
The rate of change will only increase in the coming years, just as it has in the past. This means there will be a lot of major changes in our profession but two of the most impactful include:
a) Increasing automation due to technology will have a major impact on not only the way we do our work but also what work we do. As traditional tasks are streamlined or even replaced by technology, many the profession’s core services will face commoditization. This means firms will need to add more consultative advisory services and completely change (for the better) the relationships they have with their clients.
b) As Baby Boomers start to retire, there will be a changing of the guard in terms of leadership. This requires planning today to make sure the pipeline of next generation of leaders is ready to take over the reins. It also requires significant collaboration between the current leaders and the up-and-comers to develop a transition plan that works for both parties.
How do you see yourself participating in shaping the future of the accounting profession?
We strive to make our clients, team and partners successful and future ready. Whether it is in the area of leadership, talent, growth or technology we provide guidance, access to resources and expertise and the confidence people need to move forward toward the next phase of our profession.
What is your career philosophy?
Treat everyone with respect and build deep, lasting relationships with smart people. If you surround yourself with the right people, opportunity has a way of finding you.
Not including your current employer, what company do you most admire and why?
I have a lot of admiration for Google and Apple due to their focus on innovation. Both companies are not content to just sit idle and rake in the profits from their existing core businesses. Both organizations are constantly looking for the next big thing.
Describe one person who has been an important mentor to you and how that person helped change your life.
There are two important mentors I’ve had thus far in my career. The first was a Senior Manager at Arthur Andersen, Eric Bower. He was a role model in showing me the path to work/life balance through hard work, prioritization and making the most of the time you have. Second is my father and now business partner, Gary Boomer. Since an early age he has helped me navigate the twists and turns of my life and then career. Thousands of professionals have benefited from his wisdom and experience over the years, including me.
Read more about the 2014 40 Under 40 honorees.
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