
October 30, 2013

CCH User Conference – Hit the Wall, Day 2

On day two of CCH's annual user conference, attendees continued participating in the "Hit the Wall," survey- a way for accounting firms to answer a different question each day of the event, with attendees sticking decals to a large wall.

On day two of CCH's annual user conference, attendees continued participating in the “Hit the Wall,” survey- a way for accounting firms to answer a different question each day of the event, with attendees sticking decals to a large wall.

On day two of the conference, the question was, “What is the biggest challenge you have this upcoming year?” The results:

  • Client Communication     8.83%
  • Documentation                11.11%
  • Health Care Rules           15.10%
  • Keeping Staff                   33.05%
  • Mobility                             10.54%
  • Resources                        21.37%

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