August 26, 2013

Bloomberg BNA expands state tax analysis and research tools

Advanced Tools, Expert Analysis, and the Content Practitioners Need to Resolve Key State Tax Issues

At a time when state taxes continue to grow in complexity and importance, Bloomberg BNA has added must-have analysis, developments, and practice tools that help tax practitioners save time and make confident decisions for their clients. The company is a leading source of legal, tax, and regulatory information for professionals.

These new product offerings are seamlessly integrated into Bloomberg BNA’s Premier State Tax Library, which includes rich practitioner-focused and multistate analysis, single-state perspectives, high-quality news, extensive primary sources, superior time-saving practice tools, and much more.

“We asked both our clients and prospects for feedback on the state tax issues they have to deal with daily, and we created this unique state tax research solution, as part of our overall Tax and Accounting Center offering,” said George Farrah, Executive Editor of Tax & Accounting at Bloomberg BNA. “Providing both a multistate and single-state perspective, this intuitive all-in-one resource was created specifically to help today’s practitioners handle the distinct challenges around developing state tax strategies and complying with various state tax laws.”

Online, interactive tools offered on the newly enhanced Premier State Tax Library include:

Practitioner-focused state tax analysis and insight in over 75 renowned tax Portfolios. State-of-the-art Navigators — including Estates, Gifts and Trusts; Excise Tax; and Property Tax Navigators — allowing for the easy creation of charts that offer thorough explanations and relevant links to primary sources and additional information within Bloomberg BNA’s state tax analysis.

A State Tax Developments Tracker to keep users updated on the developments, jurisdictions and topics that are of most interest to them, including a customized email alerting feature.

Trust, Sales & Use, and Corporate Income Nexus Evaluator tools to help save time and streamline your research on trust nexus issues — a gray area of taxation for which there is often little guidance from state tax departments. This tool consists of two components: an evaluator to detail specific nexus scenarios and generate detailed reports of each jurisdiction’s trust nexus, and a chart builder to create state-by-state comparison charts showing each state’s trust nexus policy State Tax Chart Builders — including Estates, Gifts and Trusts; Excise Tax; and Property Tax Chart Builders — that enable users to generate customized charts to compare requirements of the various state laws affecting each of these tax areas.

The charts specify and sort criteria by topic or jurisdiction, and can also be edited, saved and exported into spreadsheet format for easy review and analysis. Advanced functionality with the My States option to create shortcut views into favorite jurisdictions. State archived Code and Regulations dating back to 2005 allowing greater access to original source material.


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