
August 25, 2013

Sean Hanthorn – 2013 40 Under 40 Honoree

Sean Hanthorn — 34Director of Education Services, RootWorks LLCMetro Detroit, Michigan Education: BA Finance – Michigan State University, MBA Management – Cleary UniversityHobbies: Watching and playing Sports; attending Michigan State and Detroit professional sporting events; travelling.   What are the key areas of your firm that have seen the greatest change in workflow over... Read more »

Sean Hanthorn — 34
Director of Education Services, RootWorks LLC
Metro Detroit, Michigan

Education: BA Finance – Michigan State University, MBA Management – Cleary University
Hobbies: Watching and playing Sports; attending Michigan State and Detroit professional sporting events; travelling.


What are the key areas of your firm that have seen the greatest change in workflow over the past few years? Are you using automated workflow tools? In the tax area we have embraced up-front scanning and paperless tax prep and review. We use SurePrep to assist.

Have you embraced cloud computing for your practice? Are you moving your clients to the cloud? Nearly all of our clients receive their information on a portal and our bookkeeping and accounting clients are also in either a hosted or web-based solution.

On a broader scale, how do you see new technologies changing the accounting profession in the near term (3-5 years)? I see all software being offered or exclusively web-based, getting client information strictly via online or mobile technology, and more accountants working remotely.

How mobile are you regarding your work? How have mobile devices and apps impacted your productivity and work-life balance? I am 100% mobile. I work remotely in Michigan for a firm in Indiana. From phone communication to software used I can work from anywhere.

Have you found business success via social media, either via recognizable ROI, new customers, marketing or networking? For us it definitely is good for marketing to existing clients and definitely networking.

What tips on social media do you think are essential, but perhaps missed, by professionals and small businesses? Don’t “over-post” on Facebook or Twitter. Keep it to relevant information and brand your page so it looks good.

What single piece of technology do you find the most important in your professional life? Definitely my phone.

Not including your current employer, what company do you most admire and why? Quicken Loans. They were willing to take a chance and move operations into downtown Detroit and are consistently ranked as a best place to work.

What brand/model mobile phone do you use? I have an LG-LS970.

Do you use a tablet for work purposes? I have a Google Nexus and occasionally use it for work.

What is your favorite accounting mobile app, and why? Definitely our RootWorks App has to be a top choice. It keeps our members connected to us and plugged in all the time.

How many monitors do you have on your desktop workstation? 3.


Read more about this year’s 40 Under 40 Honorees.

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