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The Hardware Side of Document Management
But interestingly, in all the ballyhoo about the importance of DM, and the number of rapidly evolving systems that offer state-of-the-art, soup-to-nuts storage and retrieval, we have overlooked what may be the most important part of document management – the hardware.
Feature: Specialized Hardware for Tax & Accounting Firms
From Mobile Devices to Monitors, Hardware is Still a Key Factor
Better Hardware Can Increase Productivity
Many technologists get excited over the capabilities of new software, but for Isaac, it’s all about the hardware. Gadgets big and small, as well as computers, monitors and other tools make technology real and touchable. Here are a few hardware items that can benefit professional practices.
Better Hardware Can Increase Productivity
From the April/May 2009 Issue Much of the buzz of the past few years has been over the continuing paperless practice movement and the phenomenon of “cloud computing.” Pretty much everyone knows the meaning of paperless; it’s basically self-explanatory. The term cloud computing, on the other hand, may seem somewhat mysterious. This article isn’t a […]
Hardware Options That Aid Professionals
How you get things done is increasingly becoming as important as what you actually do, especially in a multi-service professional practice.
Specialized Hardware That Can Help Your Firm
The evolution of technology over the past 20 years has been fascinating. I felt so advanced when I got my first good computer, but I soon realized that to keep my geek status I would have to keep up with the latest in not only computers, but also all of the devices that help the […]
Tech2Go Episode 2 – Hardware and Software tools, MPAN, Office Accounting, and PDAs
Tech2Go is a fast-paced roundtable discussion with Executive Editor Gregory L. LaFollette, CPA.CITP, and regular columnists Brent Goodfellow, Dave McClure and Randy Johnston. These thought leaders tackle current technology issues impacting the tax and accounting profession. This month, the panel discusses useful hardware and software tools to boost productivity, Microsoft Professional Accountants Network (MPAN), Microsoft […]
A Dozen Specialized Hardware Products You Should Know About
If you plan to set up an office at home or in the company facility, you’ll most likely find yourself having to work within certain space parameters. And as much as you would like more equipment and resources (who wouldn’t?), the fact remains that, given the space limitations, you are rarely able to obtain all that you’d like