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Flirting with disaster: How CPA firms can find the security help they desperately need

Ransomware attacks happen once every 5.5 minutes.


What’s worse? A ransomware attack is only one type of cyber-threat. Compounded with phishing attempts, lurking Trojans, advanced persistent threats (ATP) that often go unnoticed for months…it’s almost unfathomable how often users are threatened.

The “it won’t happen to me” statement is false—it is already happening to you. And it’s happening to everyone you work with.

So, what are you going to do about it?

Start by downloading Flirting With Disaster: How Accounting Firms Can Find the Security Help They Desperately Need for information about immediately bolstering your security policies. 

Then, keep reading to learn:

  • If your current security measures are enough to protect your firm from data breaches
  • Why trying to manage security in-house—especially at small firms—is bad (very bad)
  • How to immediately safeguard the client data that software, apps and hardware contain