Each year, we conduct a reader survey that results in the Readers’ Choice Awards, a ranking of favorite programs and services used by our readers. Not only do we encourage everyone who stops by our site in the early months of the year to cast their votes, but we also encourage those companies who have skin in the game to rally their users to show their support by voting for the products they use.
This year, perhaps more than any previous year, the survey results provide a backdrop to the necessity of technology in our lives. Try to imagine, if you will, getting through the past year without the use of technology. From Zoom calls and file sharing to project management to the boxes of hardware so many accountants moved from their offices to their bedrooms and kitchens; from helping our children with remote learning and dogs barking during conference calls to electronic signatures and distance audits; from scheduling and tax planning to timesheets and, yes, even hospitalizations – we relied on technology every step of the way.
The programs and solutions that our readers chose in this year’s survey are the tools that actually got us through the past year – these are more than experimental choices – these solutions saved our careers, our families, our client and personal relationships. Look carefully at this year’s results, because the companies that made these products and offered these services allowed us to survive. Without them, we all would have suffered so much more than we did.
They are too numerous to list here, but please read carefully through the complete survey results on pages 12-20 noting the names of, not just the winners, but all of the companies represented in the survey. On behalf of the CPA Practice Advisor readers, we would like to thank every one of the companies that provides the tools we need to do our jobs.
Be sure to see the results of our 2021 Readers Choice Awards at https://cpapracticeadvisor.com/21215751
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Tags: Hardware