How can employers take action to advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within their businesses? How can employers benefit from access to people data and metrics within their organizations? ADP is once again expanding its award-winning people analytics solution, ADP DataCloud, with new tools that can help businesses analyze their diversity and better allocate their staff resources. The new ADP DEI Dashboard and Organizational Benchmarks Dashboard both launch today.
“ADP DataCloud gives our clients access to their people data and then uses data science and artificial intelligence to reveal insights and trends,” said Jack Berkowitz, ADP’s Senior Vice President of product development for ADP DataCloud. “The new capabilities demonstrate how ADP DataCloud helps answer common business questions that previously were difficult to answer or required custom analytics projects. These questions, involving diversity and organizational comparisons to other companies, represent some of the most important workplace issues of today.”
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – One Click Away
ADP’s new DEI Dashboard lets companies see the makeup of their workforce and identify whether any groups are underrepresented by using a simple question-and-answer format. Users can quickly focus on the issues that are most important to them as they encounter tabs with questions like “How diverse is your workforce?” “Which areas of my organization are not diverse?” and “How diverse is my organization’s leadership distribution?” One click takes them instantly to a comprehensive view of their workforce, elevating the supplemental data to analyze and to help answer these questions for their organization.
The DEI Dashboard also offers an easy-to-navigate user interface that allows users to see the diversity of their staff by the organization, department and job level. Users can explore and visualize where their diversity, inclusion and equity metrics stand, and break down data by categories like ethnicity, gender, age, disability or veteran status. Having this information so readily accessible can pinpoint trends over time, and allow businesses to better set, track and expand their diversity, equity and inclusions goals.
“Now more than ever, companies need to take a scientific approach to their diversity and inclusion efforts,” said Bob Lockett, chief diversity and talent officer at ADP. “The right data tools can enhance how they evaluate the makeup of their workforce and inform the decisions they need to help them hit their diversity goals, and ultimately make a huge difference for their people and their community.”
“ADP’s new dashboard empowers us with visibility into the diversity of our workforce in ways we couldn’t before,” said Bill Wosilius, CEO of national IT services provider NexusTek. “Viewing the current balance of diversity within our company, in real-time, enables us to track against our goals and shape our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives moving forward.”
Organizational Benchmarks – Finding the Right Balance
Organizational Benchmarks help businesses answer key questions, such as: “How does my headcount by department compare to similar organizations in my region? Nationally?” “Which skills should my organization be investing more in?” and “What percentage of total labor costs do my peers spend on specific functional areas, like sales and marketing?”
This new DEI dashboard uniquely taps into one the largest available sets of real workforce data and enables companies to decide how to best deploy their workers by:
- Comparing organizational metrics like headcount, labor costs and turnover against other similar businesses
- Advising which jobs or departments leaders should invest in
- Identifying areas of the company that could be over-invested and recommend re-deploying capital into other jobs
- Analyzing areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, including possible savings from an outsourcing plan
Additional ADP DataCloud features available in limited release include:
Workforce Compensation Analysis tool:
Uses ADP’s robust compensation benchmarks to perform compensation competitiveness assessments across an entire organization. It can evaluate the pay competitiveness of every job in a client organization in relation to the market. It can also identify jobs or workers who are being underpaid or overpaid, relative to similar positions. Having on-target compensation can enhance employee retention, thereby reducing hiring expenses and knowledge drain.
Turnover Risk Headlines:
Brings to light situations that might not be immediately obvious to business managers. Available within the Executive & Manager Insights capability, it highlights employees who are likely to leave the organization due to factors like low compensation, high overtime or long periods of time since the last promotion, and brings those insights to the attention of managers and leaders. It’s a way for leaders to spot possible areas of concern before they become turnover problems and take proactive action.
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Tags: Artificial Intelligence