Joy Thomas, FCPA, FCMA, MBA
Most Powerful Women in Accounting
President & CEO
CPA Canada
What advice would you give to female college students about the opportunities for women in the accounting profession?
After your degree go for that designation. The opportunities in the profession are tremendous and very diverse. Determine what your passion is and look across all sectors of the economy to uncover the possibilities that best match your interests. I would also remind students to keep looking out for new opportunities to learn, unlearn and relearn. You are living in times of unprecedented change.
What would you suggest to accounting firms that are interested in retaining and advancing more qualified female staff?
Diversity and inclusivity should include thinking beyond what a day at the firm looks like. What do employees, both women and men need to manage the many demands on their time? Be it family, outside interests or health and wellness. People are most engaged and empathetic to others when their own needs are respected and met in a holistic way.
Why did you choose to work in – and stay in – the accounting field?
A combination of the diverse opportunities and doors the field opens, the professionalism and integrity that grounds you, and the respect and credibility the profession enjoys. And perhaps most important to me at this stage in my career is the ability to work with some of the most brilliant, committed and passionate members of the CPA profession.
What changes do you foresee in the accounting profession of the near future (3-5 years)?
The profession, like business, is faced with exponential change. Accounting programs need to pivot much more quickly and much more dramatically than any time in our history if we want to remain relevant. Advancements in technologies such as block chain and AI are fundamentally challenging the profession to rethink the roles we play and that presents the profession with new opportunities.
How do you see yourself participating in shaping the future of the accounting profession?
Very much so. At a high level we recently completed the first phase of a broad multi-stakeholder project to reimagine the profession and based on that work we have identified several work streams to further study the roles and competencies for CPAs in the future. More specifically we conduct research and thought leadership on a wide range of topics such as the evolving role of audit, emerging technologies, and the role CPAs play in climate change.
Describe one person who has been an important mentor to you and how that person helped shape the direction or focus of your professional life.
I have had the good fortune of many mentors and individuals that have shaped my career. Generally, to me, a mentor is someone you trust unconditionally and that challenges you to think differently and push yourself past your comfort zone. Most recently my mentors are my two grandchildren. They remind me every day what is truly important in life.
Please share a personal rule or principle that you follow.
Stand by your values but always be open minded. And trust your instincts – there is nothing as powerful as that spider sense – so listen to it.
Learn more about the 2019 Most Powerful Women in Accounting.
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