The future of work is already here. But how is that impacting students, and equally importantly, professors? This spring, PwC launched a series of data analytics academies designed just for professors. These two-day seminars take a hands-on look at how emerging tools can help to address the challenges we all face when it comes to adopting digital tools in this increasingly tech-enabled landscape.
PwC is offering these academies at no charge to university professors to help demonstrate their ongoing commitment to the academic community.
The sessions provide hands-on learning opportunities and focus on giving professors the tools — and thought-starters — they need to incorporate digital learnings into their courses. Key areas of focus include data wrangling, data visualization and data automation, all of which are transforming the accounting profession. There are currently four sessions that have been offered to professors on a first-come, first-served basis, each in a different PwC office location across the United States. Sessions in Charlotte and Dallas were hosted earlier this month and upcoming sessions will be in Chicago and San Francisco.
PwC is very pleased at the high level of interest from professors with all sessions filling to capacity with wait lists. Approximately 150 participants will participate across all 4 sessions. The first two have gone extremely well, with overwhelmingly positive feedback. Upon completion of these sessions, attendees will be able to:
- Assess their organization’s potential to benefit from implementation of self-service tools
- Apply automation principles to ongoing activities
- Apply lessons learned to their organization’s specific facts and circumstances
- Start the journey of analytics through the use of self-service tools and best practices shared throughout the academy and in hands-on exercises.
- Work with “big data” and know how to interact with it from an accounting perspective
Understanding the vital role professors play in the preparation of students to enter the workforce, PwC plans to offer additional hands-on learning opportunities by scheduling additional data analytics academy sessions and hosting virtual learnings.
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