
April 11, 2019

Avalara Announces RSM as Diamond Sponsor of CRUSH19 in Huntington Beach

RSM US LLP, a national accounting, audit, tax, and consulting services firm, will join the Avalara CRUSH19 sales tax conference as the event’s Diamond sponsor. Avalara is a provider of tax compliance automation software for businesses of all sizes. This year’s event, themed The Path Forward for Tax Compliance, will take place May 8–10 in... Read more »

RSM US LLP, a national accounting, audit, tax, and consulting services firm, will join the Avalara CRUSH19 sales tax conference as the event’s Diamond sponsor. Avalara is a provider of tax compliance automation software for businesses of all sizes.

This year’s event, themed The Path Forward for Tax Compliance, will take place May 8–10 in Huntington Beach, California. Bringing together the world’s experts and practitioners at the forefront of the shifting world of transaction tax, CRUSH offers attendees opportunities to learn, educate, and network with hundreds of peers and experts.

RSM will participate in the event alongside attendees who gain advanced knowledge of how emerging trends in tax and technology will impact their businesses and roles in coming years.

“This is a pinnacle year in which we’ve seen 51 years of sales tax rulings unravel with the S. Dakota v. Wayfair ruling, and predictions we’ve made in past years are now coming to fruition, with states passing new legislation in domino fashion and complexity abounding for businesses,” said Steve Parish, principal and sales and use tax automation national lead at RSM US LLP. “CRUSH19 will play an important and very timely role in convening the best minds in the industry to educate, inform and help guide attendees on a broad range of compliance topics. RSM is committed to working closely with Avalara to further our clients’ knowledge and understanding of key transactional tax concepts and trends, better guide their tax compliance strategy, and help reduce risk. We’re truly pleased to sponsor and participate in CRUSH19.”  

Other CRUSH sponsors include:

  • DMA is a Platinum sponsor.
  • KSM LLC, PM Business Advisors, Right Networks, Sage, Sage Intacct, and Smart ERP are Gold sponsors.
  • Cost Management Services, Eide Bailly LLP, and Peterson Sullivan LLP are Silver sponsors.
  • Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP, Citrin Cooperman, Dillon Tax Service, Miles Consulting Group, Peisner Johnson, Rea & Associates, TaxOps, Thatcher Technology Group, and YETTER are Bronze sponsors.

Register today at AvalaraCRUSH.com.

More about CRUSH19:

  • Keynote: Geoffrey Moore, a dynamic business strategy leader, presents on Friday, May 10.
  • Learning Lab: Hands-on, 1:1 training with Avalara product experts is available for all attendees. Appointment requests will be available prior to the event.
  • CPE Credit: Options for more than 85 hours of CPE credit will be offered in interactive and comprehensive sessions, providing participants with maximum value at an affordable price.
  • Sponsor Showcase: Open throughout the conference, the Showcase gives attendees opportunities to browse and discuss solutions offered by sponsoring partners.
  • Developer Track: The CRUSH19 Developer Track provides a forum for developers to join the conversation about where transaction tax compliance technology is headed. Developers will converge on Huntington Beach to: Interact with preeminent experts on compliance, API, and Avalara products; gain deeper insight into omnichannel compliance needs; choose their Dev Track: basic, intermediate, and advanced sessions; and directly influence product and API direction.

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Tags: Sales Tax

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