I suspect the majority of you have never heard of the small business accounting application called Sage Simply Accounting (Simply). Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of this application. So why is it that so many have not heard of it? The application has primarily been promoted in the Canadian market, where it is the most used application for small business accounting. The success of Simply in this market is in large part due to the quality of the application and its multi-lingual capability. You can launch multiple companies simultaneously on your desktop — one user can be operating the software in French mode while another operates in English.
Mark your calendar to take a look at this application. As of October 20, 2010, Sage officially launched Simply Accounting in the U.S. marketplace. I recently spoke with Jamie Sutherland, VP & General Manager of Sage Simply Accounting, who told me that with the October release, users now also have the ability to be in the application in Spanish and English simultaneously. Jamie indicated that some studies report that Hispanic professionals are opening small businesses at a rate three times faster than the national average, and that it is estimated that only about 20 percent of Hispanic-owned SMBs have implemented accounting software.
Why is this announcement important? Well, it’s not often we see a new competitor in the small business accounting software space, and it’s even more rare to see a new competitor with a 25-year history and the strength of a portfolio like Sage’s behind it. I have spent a lot of time testing this application and find it to be a viable player in the market. Some additional key benefits include the following:
– The ability to turn on or off various features in the software. For example, if a client has no need for the software’s Accounts Receivable module, the user can turn it off so it will not appear upon software launch.
– An advanced financial statement writer. This feature is built into the software, allowing firms to customize statements a bit more than some other competitors in the marketplace.
Additional applications that you will start hearing more about are Billing Boss and Payment Boss. These applications are a part of Sage’s Connected Services offerings. You can think about Connected Services as niche applications that connect back into the accounting application. Billing Boss allows you to create an invoice on your mobile device and then synch back to Sage Simply Accounting. Payment Boss allows you to accept payment on your mobile device and then synch back to Sage Simply Accounting. All great stuff!
It’s always my goal to make you aware of solutions that will impact your practice in a positive way. It is my opinion that Sage Simply Accounting is one of those applications. For more information on this application, go to www.us.simplyaccounting.com.
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