Managing Shareholder, New Vision CPA Group; Adjunct Professor, Oakton Community College
Arlington Heights, IL
Education: BBA, Saint Mary’s College-Notre Dame; MST, Northern Illinois University
Professional Associations/Memberships: Founder/Past President, Chicago-Area QuickBooks ProAdvisor User Group (2007-2009)
Civic Involvement: Lead Member, Annually coordinate volunteers to help lower income taxpayers get help with income tax preparation.
Hobbies: U.S. Masters swimmer, hanging out with my children, watching reality TV
Cell phone: Droid!
Favorite app: It’s Seesmic, which is my connection to Twitter. I get all my tax news and status updates. So if I’m waiting in the school pickup line, I can be reading about tax news and tweeting about tax.
Do you embrace cloud computing? Yes, we are a SaaS firm and have used the Thomson SaaS suite for over a year now. I have been a huge fan of Intuit Online Payroll for Accountants for the last four years. I also love Copanion’s GruntWorx for tax document automation.
How is cloud computing changing the accounting profession, and how concerned are you with the security issues related to cloud computing? I think as long as you use a reputable company, the security issues don’t exist. I’m positive my data that resides on Thomson and Intuit servers is much more secure than my data used to be on our old server sitting in my basement.
Do you foresee the majority of firms still implementing servers for the majority of their computing in their offices five years from now or do you think they will be outsourcing this component to vendors who specialize in this area? I think it depends on the size of the firm. Small firms should be using cloud computing today. Period. Why would you want anything local? Anytime/anywhere access, no backups, no updates, collaboration with clients, better security … and the positive list goes on. It’s a no brainer.
What is an “old school” business practice or process you’d like to see changed in the next five years and why? Manual delivery of tax returns. I would like to see everyone transition to returns delivered via portal only. It’s so much easier for the preparer and the client. It will just take time for clients to adapt.
How many hours of the day are you plugged in and responsive to client needs? And what tools/products make it possible for you to have flexibility? I’m plugged in 24/7, but that doesn’t mean that I respond to everything immediately. My Droid (smartphone) has given me the flexibility to be available and not always in the office.
Are you using social networking (such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Facebook) as a marketing tool for your practice/business … or do you use such sites for personal use only? Have you gained any clients or seen other demonstrable benefits from the use of social networking? Absolutely. From a simple standpoint, referrals have come through Facebook from friends of friends. As a CPA, I’m in front of them, so when they are asked if they know a CPA they remember my name and pass on my contact information. The relationship existed before, but now I am always in front of the referral contact.
What pitfalls or what unwritten rules of social networking etiquette exist, which are frequently missed by others in the profession? Twitter is about engagement. You have to connect and respond; it’s not just a place to deliver information. Make it about others and not just you. Nobody wants to follow anyone who just keeps saying how great they are. Be yourself, show what makes you special, and let your personality come through. That’s what makes me like you and want to follow/do business with you. It’s not about “commercials.” You also have to tweet frequently; you can’t just tweet once a week. Because there is so much chatter, you have to tweet a few times a week to be heard or you will get lost.
How many monitors do you have on your desk? Three or four. I have a desktop with two, and I have my laptop usually connected as well with two more.
What operating system and version of Microsoft Office is installed on your work computer? Windows 7 and Office 2007. All I need is Internet Explorer; we use SaaS products.
Do you subscribe to a magazine and/or local newspaper? No, I read most news online … a lot through Twitter. I get The CPA Technology Advisor in print and online.
What are some ways your firm/business has gone “paperless” and/or “green” in the last two years? Besides being “mostly” paperless, we teach Green Tax. It’s one of our emerging practices. There are so many cool Green Tax Credits available … and so few firms that specialize in the niche. We have made it one of our goals to market to this niche. I did a seminar at the Midwest Renewable Energy Association on green tax credits, and all the attendees were hungry for more information. It’s really a neat and energizing emerging market niche. I’m sure there will continue to be more tax legislation in this arena, as well.
What ONE piece of technology could you absolutely not live without? My Droid. It’s my connection to everything — my clients, my social networks (Twitter and Facebook), the Internet and my “Dunkin Donuts Coffee Finder” app.
NOT including your current employer, what company do you most admire and why? ALDI. I’m amazed at how they have met specific niche market with both Trader Joe’s and ALDI. I like that they don’t try to be everything to everybody and have created raving fans of each particular store. Yes, I shop at ALDI, but I pack my groceries in Trader Joe’s bags. My “secret”: The cheese strudel is the same product, just repackaged.
Do you use online resources like webcasts for CPE training? Yes, if I’m interested in the subject. I’m delivering them a lot, as well.
Do you listen to podcasts? Yes. I don’t have regular favorites, though.
What sports team/championship event do you absolutely refuse to miss? The Wellness Center Seadogs Masters Swim Team. It’s my swim team, and I hate that most of my meets are during tax season. Swimming keeps me sane.
What are some of your favorite books, movies, music, websites and TV shows? I love reality TV. I watch the “Deadliest Catch” and think it makes tax season look easy.
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