October 17, 2018

74% of U.S. Workers Say They Are Tired at Work

Recent research from staffing firm Accountemps suggests feeling worn out at work is a common occurrence among U.S. employees. Seventy-four percent of professionals reported they operate while tired at least somewhat often.

Need a nap at 1pm? Feeling drained at your desk? You’re not alone.

Recent research from staffing firm Accountemps suggests feeling worn out at work is a common occurrence among U.S. employees. Seventy-four percent of professionals reported they operate while tired at least somewhat often.

Workers were asked, “How often do you work while tired?” Their responses:

Very often


Somewhat often


Not very often






According to the research, the sleepiest city is Nashville, followed by Austin, Denver and Indianapolis. View an infographic of the 15 cities that have the highest percentages of professionals who are exhausted on the job.

“Though often overlooked, sleep is a critical component of producing good work. Errors and ineffectiveness can occur when team members are running on empty,” said Michael Steinitz, executive director of Accountemps. “Consider the underlying causes of why employees are sleepy. If it’s because they’re stretched too thin, retention issues could soon follow.”

Accountemps offers the following tips to minimize working tired:

For Employers:

For Employees:

1.      Set a good example by working reasonable hours. Come to the office with adequate sleep and encourage your team to unplug after they leave the office.

1.      Ask for help before you burn out; your manager may be able to assist you with prioritizing or delegating tasks.

2.      Meet with your employees regularly to discuss their current projects and where they may need support.

2.      Leave work at the office door so you can recharge. Try going for a walk or attending a yoga class to clear your mind.

3.      Bring in temporary professionals to ensure staff aren’t overloaded or feel they need to put in overtime.

3.      Don’t bring your phone or laptop to bed. This can help ensure you get a restful night’s sleep and wake up refreshed.


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